Screen creation and data binding with CRUD

Kuika allows you to create screens for Create (Create), Read (Read), Update (Update), and Delete (Delete) operations related to a data table in your database in just a few clicks using CRUD. All data binding operations are automatically performed on screens created with CRUD. This saves you time in both screen creation and application development due to data connections.

Kuika allows you to create screens for Create (Create), Read (Read), Update (Update), and Delete (Delete) operations related to a data table in your database in just a few clicks using CRUD. All data binding operations are automatically performed on screens created with CRUD. This saves you time in both screen creation and application development due to data connections.

In this learning content, using the Department and Title data table, we will create screens related to the department and Title through CRUD. Let's start!

To create a screen with CRUD, open the Screens panel in UI Design view mode. Open the New Screen Modal screen with the New Screen button in the Screens panel.

Click on CRUD Wizard from the menu on the left side of the screen that opens.

Then, in the opened screen, make the selection as Managed DB for Datasource and Department for Table.

Select Drawer for the Screen type title.

There's no need to make any edits in the Layout Design section. Then activate all the options in the Options section.

Click on the CREATE button to complete screen creation with CRUD.

You've just created department addition, listing, and viewing screens in about a minute. You can now view the screens you've created in the Screens panel.

No operations are needed on the Department Form and Department View screens you've created.

Only making the Header on the Department List screen the same as the other Headers in the application will provide consistency. First, delete the Row in the Header on the Department List screen.

Then open the Dashboard screen. Select the Row in the Header on the Dashboard screen and copy it via the Context menu. Then open the Department List screen again. Click on the Header and paste it through the Context menu. That's it! Your screens needed for department operations are ready.

Now, using the Title data table, let's quickly create screens for adding and updating titles, viewing the title list, and title details through the CRUD Wizard screens. We will use the steps we followed above to perform the creation process.

Open the New Screen Modal screen with the New Screen button in the Screens panel.

Click on CRUD Wizard from the menu on the left side of the screen that opens.

Then, in the opened screen, make the selection as Managed DB for Datasource and Title for Table.

Select Drawer for the Screen type title.

There's no need to make any edits in the Layout Design section. Then activate all the options in the Options section.

Click on the CREATE button to complete screen creation with CRUD.

No operations are needed on the Department Form and Department View screens you've created.

At this point, making the Header on the Title List screen the same as the other Headers in the application will provide consistency. First, delete the Row in the Header on the Department List screen.

Then open the Dashboard screen. Select the Row in the Header on the Dashboard screen and copy it via the Context menu. Then open the Title List screen again. Click on the Header and paste it through the Context menu. That's it!

Your screens are almost ready. Finally, add the Department List and Title List screen you've just created to the LeftMenu named screen and provide the necessary redirection.

Select the Row with the New Employee item on the Left Menu screen and duplicate it with Duplicate.

Change the icon of the duplicated element in the Properties panel by selecting a new icon via Icon. Select the Label element and change the text to Department List in the Properties panel. Then, complete the related operations in the Navigation action. Change the To Screen parameter to Department List and then select Current under Open as.

Click the Close button to save the action. The action is saved automatically.

Then select the Row containing the Department List menu item you created and duplicate it again with a Duplicate operation.

For this duplicated menu item, change the icon, change the text, and apply the related actions from the navigation action to go to the Title List screen. And now your application is ready.

Kuika allows you to create screens for Create (Create), Read (Read), Update (Update), and Delete (Delete) operations related to a data table in your database in just a few clicks using CRUD. All data binding operations are automatically performed on screens created with CRUD. This saves you time in both screen creation and application development due to data connections.

Kuika allows you to create screens for Create (Create), Read (Read), Update (Update), and Delete (Delete) operations related to a data table in your database in just a few clicks using CRUD. All data binding operations are automatically performed on screens created with CRUD. This saves you time in both screen creation and application development due to data connections.

In this learning content, using the Department and Title data table, we will create screens related to the department and Title through CRUD. Let's start!

To create a screen with CRUD, open the Screens panel in UI Design view mode. Open the New Screen Modal screen with the New Screen button in the Screens panel.

Click on CRUD Wizard from the menu on the left side of the screen that opens.

Then, in the opened screen, make the selection as Managed DB for Datasource and Department for Table.

Select Drawer for the Screen type title.

There's no need to make any edits in the Layout Design section. Then activate all the options in the Options section.

Click on the CREATE button to complete screen creation with CRUD.

You've just created department addition, listing, and viewing screens in about a minute. You can now view the screens you've created in the Screens panel.

No operations are needed on the Department Form and Department View screens you've created.

Only making the Header on the Department List screen the same as the other Headers in the application will provide consistency. First, delete the Row in the Header on the Department List screen.

Then open the Dashboard screen. Select the Row in the Header on the Dashboard screen and copy it via the Context menu. Then open the Department List screen again. Click on the Header and paste it through the Context menu. That's it! Your screens needed for department operations are ready.

Now, using the Title data table, let's quickly create screens for adding and updating titles, viewing the title list, and title details through the CRUD Wizard screens. We will use the steps we followed above to perform the creation process.

Open the New Screen Modal screen with the New Screen button in the Screens panel.

Click on CRUD Wizard from the menu on the left side of the screen that opens.

Then, in the opened screen, make the selection as Managed DB for Datasource and Title for Table.

Select Drawer for the Screen type title.

There's no need to make any edits in the Layout Design section. Then activate all the options in the Options section.

Click on the CREATE button to complete screen creation with CRUD.

No operations are needed on the Department Form and Department View screens you've created.

At this point, making the Header on the Title List screen the same as the other Headers in the application will provide consistency. First, delete the Row in the Header on the Department List screen.

Then open the Dashboard screen. Select the Row in the Header on the Dashboard screen and copy it via the Context menu. Then open the Title List screen again. Click on the Header and paste it through the Context menu. That's it!

Your screens are almost ready. Finally, add the Department List and Title List screen you've just created to the LeftMenu named screen and provide the necessary redirection.

Select the Row with the New Employee item on the Left Menu screen and duplicate it with Duplicate.

Change the icon of the duplicated element in the Properties panel by selecting a new icon via Icon. Select the Label element and change the text to Department List in the Properties panel. Then, complete the related operations in the Navigation action. Change the To Screen parameter to Department List and then select Current under Open as.

Click the Close button to save the action. The action is saved automatically.

Then select the Row containing the Department List menu item you created and duplicate it again with a Duplicate operation.

For this duplicated menu item, change the icon, change the text, and apply the related actions from the navigation action to go to the Title List screen. And now your application is ready.

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