System actions and navigation actions

Actions are activities where you define what the app should do. Navigation actions are the most commonly used action types.

With navigation actions, you can switch between screens in your application and make a screen open as a pop-up, modal, or Drawer.

Actions are activities where you define what the app should do. Navigation actions are the most commonly used action types.

With navigation actions, you can switch between screens in your application and make a screen open as a pop-up, modal, or Drawer.

Open the action list from the Properties panel with the Add Action button.

Let's examine the actions under Navigation. There are five different actions called: GenerateLink, Get All Menu Items, Get Authorized Menu Item, GoBack, and Navigate.

Navigate is an action with multiple methods.

With the Current Screen, it opens the selected screen in the application.

The current Page opens the new screen in the current tab, and the New Tab opens the new screen in a new browser tab.

The New Tab opens the screen in a new tab in the browser.

You can use Drawer if you want to open a new Drawer type screen on the open screen. For example, the content entry on the list screen or a hamburger menu content in mobile applications can be of the Drawer type. Drawers slide in from the right, left, top, or bottom of the open screen and are hidden similarly.

Modal is an auxiliary window that opens in the center of the open screen at the size of your choice. You can use the modal to confirm an action or enter content.

Generate Link is an action to generate a URL when a button is pressed or any other trigger action.

Get All Menu Items is the system action that retrieves all the data related to the menu in the application.

Get Authorized Menu Item is the system action that lists the menus that can be seen by the user who logs into the application.

GoBack is an action you can use to return to the previous screen from the open screen. Thus, you can go back without redoing the operations on the open screen. It is often used in screens like modals or drawers to return to the previous screen. It is usually attached to a cross icon on the top border or a quit button on the bottom border.

Besides system actions, you can create custom actions using SQL to enhance the functionality of your application. In the following modules, we will take a closer look at creating and using custom actions.

In this learning content, we have briefly summarized the functions of actions in developed applications. With this learning content, we have completed Module 2.

Actions are activities where you define what the app should do. Navigation actions are the most commonly used action types.

With navigation actions, you can switch between screens in your application and make a screen open as a pop-up, modal, or Drawer.

Actions are activities where you define what the app should do. Navigation actions are the most commonly used action types.

With navigation actions, you can switch between screens in your application and make a screen open as a pop-up, modal, or Drawer.

Open the action list from the Properties panel with the Add Action button.

Let's examine the actions under Navigation. There are five different actions called: GenerateLink, Get All Menu Items, Get Authorized Menu Item, GoBack, and Navigate.

Navigate is an action with multiple methods.

With the Current Screen, it opens the selected screen in the application.

The current Page opens the new screen in the current tab, and the New Tab opens the new screen in a new browser tab.

The New Tab opens the screen in a new tab in the browser.

You can use Drawer if you want to open a new Drawer type screen on the open screen. For example, the content entry on the list screen or a hamburger menu content in mobile applications can be of the Drawer type. Drawers slide in from the right, left, top, or bottom of the open screen and are hidden similarly.

Modal is an auxiliary window that opens in the center of the open screen at the size of your choice. You can use the modal to confirm an action or enter content.

Generate Link is an action to generate a URL when a button is pressed or any other trigger action.

Get All Menu Items is the system action that retrieves all the data related to the menu in the application.

Get Authorized Menu Item is the system action that lists the menus that can be seen by the user who logs into the application.

GoBack is an action you can use to return to the previous screen from the open screen. Thus, you can go back without redoing the operations on the open screen. It is often used in screens like modals or drawers to return to the previous screen. It is usually attached to a cross icon on the top border or a quit button on the bottom border.

Besides system actions, you can create custom actions using SQL to enhance the functionality of your application. In the following modules, we will take a closer look at creating and using custom actions.

In this learning content, we have briefly summarized the functions of actions in developed applications. With this learning content, we have completed Module 2.

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