System Actions
Authorization Action

Save User

Save User

Save user is an Authorisation system action that usually allows users to be registered or updated during an application development process. The function of this action allows users to create accounts or update existing accounts in the application.

Save User action has various functions in the applications where it is used:

  • Save User Information: This action is used to save the information entered by the user (for example, first name, last name, e-mail, password) to a database or other storage mechanism. This allows users to create an account in the application.
  • Update User Information: This action is used to update existing users' information (update profile information). Users perform this action when they need to change or update their information.
  • User Authentication and Authorisation: The Save User action is used to authenticate users and control their access authorisation. This provides an authorisation scheme where users are only allowed to access certain functionality or content.
  • Error and Validation Checks: Verification checks are performed in this process to check the accuracy of the information entered by users and to handle incorrect information entries. For example, checking whether the e-mail address is valid or verifying whether the passwords match.
  • User Feedback: It is important to provide feedback to users at the end of the process. The user is informed that the registration was successfully completed or an error occurred. This improves the user experience.

Save User system action is supported in Mobile and Web applications.

Adding Save User Action

Click +Add Action under the Properties panel.(A)

Click OnClick→ Authorisation→ Save User and add the Save User action.(A)

Save User system action comes with parameters such as UserName, FistName, LastName, RoleNames, StartingScreenId, PhoneNumber.

  • UserName: Represents the user's username (e-mail). This parameter is used to authenticate the user when logging in to the application.
  • FirstName: Represents the user's first name (first name). This parameter is used to store the user's personal information.
  • LastName: Represents the last name of the user. This parameter is used to complete the user's personal information.
  • RoleNames : Represents the user's role or authorisation levels (User, Admin...). This parameter is used to determine which functions or content the user can access within the application. The role specified in Authorisation and the role name in the parameter must be the same. It is important to ensure a one-to-one match.
  • Starting Screen Id : Represents the ID of the screen that should be displayed first when the user logs in to the application. The screen role must be selected from the Selectbox in this parameter.
  • Phone Number: Represents the phone number of the user. This parameter is used to save the contact information of users or to use it in verification processes.

These parameters are typically used in operations such as creating or updating a user account and are used to manage user data. Each parameter represents the relevant user information and ensures that this information is used correctly in transactions.

Click Symbol Picker (B) to fill in the parameters in the added action.

You can perform various operations for the added actions via Context Menu (C).

You can easily copy the action with the Copy option. Thus, you gain speed where action repetition is required.

With the Add Confirmation option, you can add a confirmation message for the action to work,

With Add Condition, you can determine that the action you add works in accordance with a certain condition,

You can easily delete the action added with the Remove option.

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