Creating a Data Source

In the previous learning content, we took a close look at the function and features of the API Builder view mode. In this learning content, we will use the API Builder view mode to create a list of employees in the employee management application as an API.

In the previous learning content, we took a close look at the function and features of the API Builder view mode. In this learning content, we will use the API Builder view mode to create a list of employees in the employee management application as an API.

  1. First, open the API Builder view mode.
  2. Create a new API named EmployeeData in API Builder view mode.
  3. Click the ADD NEW METHOD button on the screen that opens.
  4. In the modal screen, name the method as EmployeeList.
  5. Then, with the method selected, select Anonymous Access from the Authorization settings. This will provide access to the API you created without any authorization.
  6. Then add an action to determine the function the method will perform. For this example, you can use the SelectEmployee action you created for the ReportDesigner view mode.
  7. To add the SelectEmployee action, select ADD Action>Custom>Managed DB>SelectEmployee with the method selected.
  8. With these actions, you are now ready for testing.
  9. Click the Run button for the test.
  10. In the newly opened Swagger tab in the web browser, click on the EmployeeList method under the EmployeeData heading.
  11. Then click the Try it out button.
  12. Click the Execute button on the screen that opens.
  13. You can access the list from the Response Body field by scrolling down the screen.

You are ready!

In the previous learning content, we took a close look at the function and features of the API Builder view mode. In this learning content, we will use the API Builder view mode to create a list of employees in the employee management application as an API.

In the previous learning content, we took a close look at the function and features of the API Builder view mode. In this learning content, we will use the API Builder view mode to create a list of employees in the employee management application as an API.

  1. First, open the API Builder view mode.
  2. Create a new API named EmployeeData in API Builder view mode.
  3. Click the ADD NEW METHOD button on the screen that opens.
  4. In the modal screen, name the method as EmployeeList.
  5. Then, with the method selected, select Anonymous Access from the Authorization settings. This will provide access to the API you created without any authorization.
  6. Then add an action to determine the function the method will perform. For this example, you can use the SelectEmployee action you created for the ReportDesigner view mode.
  7. To add the SelectEmployee action, select ADD Action>Custom>Managed DB>SelectEmployee with the method selected.
  8. With these actions, you are now ready for testing.
  9. Click the Run button for the test.
  10. In the newly opened Swagger tab in the web browser, click on the EmployeeList method under the EmployeeData heading.
  11. Then click the Try it out button.
  12. Click the Execute button on the screen that opens.
  13. You can access the list from the Response Body field by scrolling down the screen.

You are ready!

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