What are system actions?

Kuika offers system actions by default within the platform for operations such as showing a warning message, moving from one screen to another, and hiding a component in the interface according to a certain condition.

Kuika offers system actions by default within the platform for operations such as showing a warning message, moving from one screen to another, and hiding a component in the interface according to a certain condition.

You can use the system actions under Add Actions ⟶ Initial Actions in the Properties panel on the right side when the screen is selected for the actions you want to be performed when the screen is first opened. In addition, you can also use system actions specific to the elements on the screen.

For example, If you want the action to take place when a button on the screen is clicked, you can use the system actions under Add Actions ⟶ onClick Actions in the Properties panel.

Kuika has dozens of system actions in 15 different categories. All you have to do is choose the action that suits your needs.

These action categories are listed below;

  1. Authorization
  2. Condition
  3. Device
  4. Export
  5. Geolocation
  6. Invers
  7. LocalStorage
  8. ManagedDb
  9. MultiLanguage
  10. Navigation
  11. Notification
  12. Payment
  13. Process Automation
  14. UI Control
  15. Trigger Actions

Let's take a closer look at these categories of actions.

Authorization Actions

You can execute the authorization of the users in the application you have developed or actions for user operations with Authorization Actions. Authorization actions are the actions that enable the end users of the application you have developed to log in to the application (Sign in - Sign up - Reset password etc.), create new users, activate-deactivate registered users, and authorize the application on the screen and-or elements.

For example, You can use SignWithApple and SignWithGoogle actions under Authorization Actions to log in to the application with Apple and-or Google.

Condition Actions

Another action category is Condition Actions. You can use the IfThenElse action in Condition Actions to add conditions to the elements and-or screens in the application you developed.

Device Actions

With Device Actions, another action category, you can add actions specific to the devices (Web - Mobile) on which the application you developed will run. For example, for a mobile application, you can use the PhoneNumberCall action to call the number in the application by phone.

Device actions are actions that can vary according to the features of mobile and web applications. For example, Download File and Upload File Device actions are available in web applications but not in mobile applications.

Export Actions

One of the action categories you can use in the application development process is Export Actions. You can quickly export the data and information in the application you have developed with Export Actions. For example, you can export a list of personnel in Excel format with the ExportExcel action.

Geolocation Actions

One of the action categories you can use is Geolocation Actions. You can use Geolocation actions if you want to perform a location-based operation in the application you have developed. For example, in a weather application, you can enable the user to select their current location.

Inverse Actions

If you are using Inverse CloudBoxx in the application you are developing, you can apply Inverse actions. For example, let's say you are developing a car-sharing application. If you are using Inverse CloudBoxx as hardware in this application, you can use Inverse actions.

LocalStorage Actions

Another category of system actions in Kuika is LocalStorage. For example, in a web application you are developing, if you want the data to be deleted when the window is closed, you can use the relevant SessionStorage action

MultiLanguage Actions

If you are developing a multilingual application, you can use MultiLanguage actions to change the language in the application. For example, you can change the application language to French by clicking on the French flag in a messaging application that you developed in English.

ManageDb Actions

ManageDb actions are system actions that allow you to add new records, update records, and delete records without writing SQL queries using the data tables in the ManageDb database.

For example, you can use the Save Record action to add personnel to a personnel management application.

Navigation Actions

Navigation actions, another category, are the most frequently used action types among system actions. With navigation actions, you can switch between screens in your application and create a URL.

For example, you can use the Navigate action to open the menu in an application.

Notification Actions

You can use Notification actions to send notifications to the end-user or create in-app notifications in the application you have developed.

For example, you can use the SendPushNotification action when you want to send a Push Notification to announce discounts in a shopping application you have developed.

Payment Actions

You can receive payments from the end users of the application you have developed. Stripe integration comes ready as a payment infrastructure. It is enough to connect your Stripe account to the platform and use the actions of the payment infrastructure features that are ready to use.

Process Automation Actions

By using Process Automation actions in your developed application, you can enrich your application functions and connect the flows you create to your application screens.

UIControl Actions

You can use UIControl actions to provide action-based control of user interface elements in your application.

Trigger Actions

Trigger system actions, which is the last system action category, collect the repeated actions as a package and ensure that the repeated parts of the actions are called in this package.

For example, when we act with the scenario that there are two buttons with the same function in the application, in order not to recreate the system actions in Button_1 in Button_2, trigger actions make the process easier by triggering them as a package.

With this learning content, you are ready for the next module.

Kuika offers system actions by default within the platform for operations such as showing a warning message, moving from one screen to another, and hiding a component in the interface according to a certain condition.

Kuika offers system actions by default within the platform for operations such as showing a warning message, moving from one screen to another, and hiding a component in the interface according to a certain condition.

You can use the system actions under Add Actions ⟶ Initial Actions in the Properties panel on the right side when the screen is selected for the actions you want to be performed when the screen is first opened. In addition, you can also use system actions specific to the elements on the screen.

For example, If you want the action to take place when a button on the screen is clicked, you can use the system actions under Add Actions ⟶ onClick Actions in the Properties panel.

Kuika has dozens of system actions in 15 different categories. All you have to do is choose the action that suits your needs.

These action categories are listed below;

  1. Authorization
  2. Condition
  3. Device
  4. Export
  5. Geolocation
  6. Invers
  7. LocalStorage
  8. ManagedDb
  9. MultiLanguage
  10. Navigation
  11. Notification
  12. Payment
  13. Process Automation
  14. UI Control
  15. Trigger Actions

Let's take a closer look at these categories of actions.

Authorization Actions

You can execute the authorization of the users in the application you have developed or actions for user operations with Authorization Actions. Authorization actions are the actions that enable the end users of the application you have developed to log in to the application (Sign in - Sign up - Reset password etc.), create new users, activate-deactivate registered users, and authorize the application on the screen and-or elements.

For example, You can use SignWithApple and SignWithGoogle actions under Authorization Actions to log in to the application with Apple and-or Google.

Condition Actions

Another action category is Condition Actions. You can use the IfThenElse action in Condition Actions to add conditions to the elements and-or screens in the application you developed.

Device Actions

With Device Actions, another action category, you can add actions specific to the devices (Web - Mobile) on which the application you developed will run. For example, for a mobile application, you can use the PhoneNumberCall action to call the number in the application by phone.

Device actions are actions that can vary according to the features of mobile and web applications. For example, Download File and Upload File Device actions are available in web applications but not in mobile applications.

Export Actions

One of the action categories you can use in the application development process is Export Actions. You can quickly export the data and information in the application you have developed with Export Actions. For example, you can export a list of personnel in Excel format with the ExportExcel action.

Geolocation Actions

One of the action categories you can use is Geolocation Actions. You can use Geolocation actions if you want to perform a location-based operation in the application you have developed. For example, in a weather application, you can enable the user to select their current location.

Inverse Actions

If you are using Inverse CloudBoxx in the application you are developing, you can apply Inverse actions. For example, let's say you are developing a car-sharing application. If you are using Inverse CloudBoxx as hardware in this application, you can use Inverse actions.

LocalStorage Actions

Another category of system actions in Kuika is LocalStorage. For example, in a web application you are developing, if you want the data to be deleted when the window is closed, you can use the relevant SessionStorage action

MultiLanguage Actions

If you are developing a multilingual application, you can use MultiLanguage actions to change the language in the application. For example, you can change the application language to French by clicking on the French flag in a messaging application that you developed in English.

ManageDb Actions

ManageDb actions are system actions that allow you to add new records, update records, and delete records without writing SQL queries using the data tables in the ManageDb database.

For example, you can use the Save Record action to add personnel to a personnel management application.

Navigation Actions

Navigation actions, another category, are the most frequently used action types among system actions. With navigation actions, you can switch between screens in your application and create a URL.

For example, you can use the Navigate action to open the menu in an application.

Notification Actions

You can use Notification actions to send notifications to the end-user or create in-app notifications in the application you have developed.

For example, you can use the SendPushNotification action when you want to send a Push Notification to announce discounts in a shopping application you have developed.

Payment Actions

You can receive payments from the end users of the application you have developed. Stripe integration comes ready as a payment infrastructure. It is enough to connect your Stripe account to the platform and use the actions of the payment infrastructure features that are ready to use.

Process Automation Actions

By using Process Automation actions in your developed application, you can enrich your application functions and connect the flows you create to your application screens.

UIControl Actions

You can use UIControl actions to provide action-based control of user interface elements in your application.

Trigger Actions

Trigger system actions, which is the last system action category, collect the repeated actions as a package and ensure that the repeated parts of the actions are called in this package.

For example, when we act with the scenario that there are two buttons with the same function in the application, in order not to recreate the system actions in Button_1 in Button_2, trigger actions make the process easier by triggering them as a package.

With this learning content, you are ready for the next module.

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