Data source connection with Rest Swagger API

You can quickly connect your existing Rest Swagger API as a data source to an application you are developing. You can use the Datasources module in Kuika to provide this connection.

You can quickly connect your existing Rest Swagger API as a data source to an application you are developing.

So, how can you use a Rest Swagger API as a data source in Kuika?

In this learning content, we will answer this question. Let's get started!

Open the Datasources view mode. Open the new data source creation screen via the Create Datasource button in the Datasource view mode.

Name your datasource connection by selecting Rest Swagger API and proceed to the next screen by clicking the Create button.

On the next screen, you are expected to enter your Rest Swagger API connection information.

On the Rest Swagger API connection information entry screen, you are first expected to define the Swagger URL and Service Base URL information. This information is the Swagger URL and Service Base URL information where your Rest Swagger API is located.

After entering this information, you must define Authentication information for your Rest Swagger API. To do this, you can proceed by selecting a suitable Rest Swagger API structure from the No Auth, Bearer, and API Key authentication types in the drop-down menu titled Authentication Type.

If you select No Auth as the authentication type, you do not need to configure any authentication. However, if you select Bearer and API Key as the authentication type, you need to provide information.

For example, if we consider a flow that you proceed by choosing Bearer, let's examine the steps you need to follow.

In a scenario where you select Bearer, you need to add parameters.

In the parameter addition process, Kuika creates the value of the Username parameter by default to facilitate the process. However, in cases where you need to add special parameters other than the Username parameter created by default, you can create custom parameters by entering the parameter information as key and value pair using the Custom option.

In another example flow, let's assume that you have selected the API Key as the authentication type.

To use the API Key authentication type in the application, you need to provide some information in the Rest Swagger API. This information is

  • Client ID Key Name,
  • Client ID
  • Client Secret Key Name
  • Client Secret

After defining this information, you need to add a parameter. In the parameter addition process, Kuika creates the value of the Username and AuthToken parameters by default. In addition, if you need to add custom parameters, you can create custom parameters by entering the parameter information as a key and value pair using the Custom option.

After selecting the authentication type and entering information specific to the authentication type, click the Create button in the upper right corner to complete the data source connection. That's it!

You are now ready for data source connection with Rest Swagger API.

In the next learning content, we will take a closer look at how to perform data source connection with Rest API.

You can quickly connect your existing Rest Swagger API as a data source to an application you are developing. You can use the Datasources module in Kuika to provide this connection.

You can quickly connect your existing Rest Swagger API as a data source to an application you are developing.

So, how can you use a Rest Swagger API as a data source in Kuika?

In this learning content, we will answer this question. Let's get started!

Open the Datasources view mode. Open the new data source creation screen via the Create Datasource button in the Datasource view mode.

Name your datasource connection by selecting Rest Swagger API and proceed to the next screen by clicking the Create button.

On the next screen, you are expected to enter your Rest Swagger API connection information.

On the Rest Swagger API connection information entry screen, you are first expected to define the Swagger URL and Service Base URL information. This information is the Swagger URL and Service Base URL information where your Rest Swagger API is located.

After entering this information, you must define Authentication information for your Rest Swagger API. To do this, you can proceed by selecting a suitable Rest Swagger API structure from the No Auth, Bearer, and API Key authentication types in the drop-down menu titled Authentication Type.

If you select No Auth as the authentication type, you do not need to configure any authentication. However, if you select Bearer and API Key as the authentication type, you need to provide information.

For example, if we consider a flow that you proceed by choosing Bearer, let's examine the steps you need to follow.

In a scenario where you select Bearer, you need to add parameters.

In the parameter addition process, Kuika creates the value of the Username parameter by default to facilitate the process. However, in cases where you need to add special parameters other than the Username parameter created by default, you can create custom parameters by entering the parameter information as key and value pair using the Custom option.

In another example flow, let's assume that you have selected the API Key as the authentication type.

To use the API Key authentication type in the application, you need to provide some information in the Rest Swagger API. This information is

  • Client ID Key Name,
  • Client ID
  • Client Secret Key Name
  • Client Secret

After defining this information, you need to add a parameter. In the parameter addition process, Kuika creates the value of the Username and AuthToken parameters by default. In addition, if you need to add custom parameters, you can create custom parameters by entering the parameter information as a key and value pair using the Custom option.

After selecting the authentication type and entering information specific to the authentication type, click the Create button in the upper right corner to complete the data source connection. That's it!

You are now ready for data source connection with Rest Swagger API.

In the next learning content, we will take a closer look at how to perform data source connection with Rest API.

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