Email design preparation

In this learning content, we will prepare a sample email design together using Email Builder view mode.

In this learning content, we will prepare a sample email design together using Email Builder view mode.

We will use this email design to celebrate the birthdays of the staff in the application.

  1. First, open the Email Builder view mode.
  2. Create a new Email named Birthday.
  3. Let's continue with template email designs.
  4. Select a suitable email template for Birthday. In this application, you can proceed by selecting the template titled Birthday Discount Email Template.
  5. Update the logo in the email design and adjust the width.
  6. Replace the text that comes as a template with your birthday message and make style adjustments.
  7. Then, delete the content in the Email template that you will not use.
  8. Define your own social media addresses for the social network icons at the bottom of the Email template and click the Update button.

In this learning content, we will prepare a sample email design together using Email Builder view mode.

In this learning content, we will prepare a sample email design together using Email Builder view mode.

We will use this email design to celebrate the birthdays of the staff in the application.

  1. First, open the Email Builder view mode.
  2. Create a new Email named Birthday.
  3. Let's continue with template email designs.
  4. Select a suitable email template for Birthday. In this application, you can proceed by selecting the template titled Birthday Discount Email Template.
  5. Update the logo in the email design and adjust the width.
  6. Replace the text that comes as a template with your birthday message and make style adjustments.
  7. Then, delete the content in the Email template that you will not use.
  8. Define your own social media addresses for the social network icons at the bottom of the Email template and click the Update button.

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