
User Research

User research is the study of target users and their requirements to add realistic contexts and insights to design processes. UX researchers adopt various systematic methods to uncover potential problems. With these methods, they uncover valuable information that can be added to the design process. It focuses on understanding user needs, behaviors and motivations through observation techniques, task analysis and many other methods. This is the stage where exactly what users need is analyzed and discovered.

User Flow

User research is the study of target users and their requirements to add realistic contexts and insights to design processes. UX researchers adopt various systematic methods to uncover potential problems. With these methods, they uncover valuable information that can be added to the design process. It focuses on understanding user needs, behaviors and motivations through observation techniques, task analysis and many other methods. This is the stage where exactly what users need is analyzed and discovered.

Usability Laboratory

Usability lab testing is a qualitative research method in which participants' activities are recorded as they attempt to complete a series of tasks on a website or app. User interaction with a UI or app is observed in the test environment. During this process, users' activities are recorded and usability tests are performed. This observation can take the form of rooms separated by a two-way mirror or observation via video streaming.

Usability Benchmarking

Measuring the current availability of a system provides the basis for future availability measurement. This benchmark is a comparison between initial and subsequent usability test results. The measures are mostly user performance, but should cover all aspects of usability. Benchmarking a product or website against competitors is useful for identifying features that improve usability. To conduct a benchmarking study of user attitudes and opinions, a fully non-functional prototype can be used with a moderator who guides the user through the experience and asks questions.


Usability is a concept that indicates how effectively and efficiently a user can interact with an interface. Usability is concerned with how a particular user in a particular context achieves a defined goal. It is also a measure of how well a user can use a product/design. It can also be measured with Usability Test / Usability Test.

User Experience(UX)

It is a construct that expresses the quality of the user's interaction and experience with an application.

User Interface (UI)

Areas where users interact with a device.