
Intersection Studies

A good example is an interview/survey with a customer leaving a store about their experience. Intercept studies are a type of research method used to collect on-site feedback from a target audience. Intercept surveys are a great way to gain customer insights, especially if your business offers an online experience or has high levels of website traffic. However, it is very important that the questions are prepared correctly.

Interaction / User Engagement

User engagement refers to how often and for how long a user interacts with your website, app or other product. It's about keeping a user focused on a page/screen, grabbing and holding their attention. User engagement measures whether users find value in a product or service. It applies to almost every section/component, whether it is a menu or a CtA.


It is the import of a software developed on a different device/workspace to be used within the software and/or software.


It is the combination of components and/or information provided by different systems into a single functioning unit.


Infrastructure as a service (IaaS) is a type of cloud computing service that delivers basic computing, storage and networking resources on demand on a pay-as-you-go basis.