

Represents the route a user follows as they move through the relevant website or application. It is the area where the screen/page is shown with its parent(s). A breadcrumb structure designed according to the needs of visitors on the website/application aims to ensure that users get the maximum benefit from the content you offer.


A coding error in a computer program/software.

Byte Array

A byte array is simply an area of memory containing a group of contiguous (side-by-side) bytes.


It is an encoding method that converts binary data into text format, allowing it to be stored or transmitted in media that use ASCII characters.


It is software that, through a graphical interface, allows users to navigate the Web through hyperlinks and URLs. The browser communicates with servers using the HTTP language, retrieves files in HTML code, translates them and displays them to the user on the screen.


Refers to the parts of a computer application or program code that allow it to run and are not accessible to a user.