
Conversion Rate

The goal of conversion marketing on an e-commerce site is to convert visitors into paying customers. Naturally, the percentage of visitors/paying customers will give this ratio. Improving the conversion rate is called conversion rate optimization.

Competitor Analysis

It is an analysis in which potential or existing competitors are examined and their strengths and weaknesses are evaluated. Competitor analysis is especially necessary in order to gain a solid place in the market area where competition is intense. Otherwise, it becomes impossible to achieve successful results.

Clickstream Analysis

It is the process of collecting and analyzing data on which pages the visitor visits on a website and in what order. It is divided into traffic analytics and e-commerce analytics. While traffic analytics works at the server level, e-commerce analytics uses clickstream data to determine the effectiveness of the site as a marketing channel.

Card Sorting

A method used to help design or evaluate the information architecture of an application/website. Participants are asked to categorize the cards in a way that makes sense to them. You can also ask for labeling. In the card sorting session you can use paper such as post-its as well as online tools such as UXTweak, Miro or Optimal Workshop.


A special program that translates the source code of a programming language into machine code, bytecode or another programming language.


It is a functionally independent part of any system.

Client Secret

Confidential information known only to your application and the authorization server.


A storage location used to temporarily store data used by servers, applications and browsers to speed up load times.


Any computer hardware or software device that requests access to a service provided by a server.


Small information files that a web server creates and sends to a web browser.


It is the language we use to format a web page.