System Actions
Payment Stripe actions

Charge Payment Method

Charge Payment Method

The Charge payment method system action that you add to the application you developed allows you to charge cards that were previously registered with the setupIntent system action.

You can use this action in both web and mobile applications.

To add the Charge Payment Method system action, click +Add Action under the Properties panel.(A)

Add the action by clicking OnClick → Payment → Stripe → Charge Payment Method. (A)

Charge Payment Method for the system action to work;

  • Payment method,
  • Currency,
  • Amount,
  • Description,
  • Customer mail address,
  • Single/Multi part and
  • Multi Part Config fields must be filled in.

1. Payment Method: This is the part where the payment methods previously saved by the user are called.

It is used to select the parameter input method of the Symbol Picker (B) action in the added action.

In order for the payment to be made from the registered card, Actions → + Add Action →OnClick → Payment → Stripe → Setup Intent action must be created and called.

In the previously added Charge Payment Method → Payment Method section, go to Symbol Picker and select Action Results → Setup Intent → Payment Method to complete the connection.

2. Currency: Select the currency in which the payment will be made. This currency must be the same as the currency you defined in your Stripe account settings.

3. Amount: This is the part where the amount of money to be withdrawn in the smallest denomination of the selected currency is written. For example, if the US Dollar ($) currency is selected and the value 10 is entered in this field, 10 cents will be withdrawn.

4. Description: This is the field where the description of the payment is entered.

5. Customer Mail Address: This is the field where the customer's e-mail address is entered.

6. Single / Multi Part: You can distribute the payment received by the application to the end user. The distribution method can be a local account you will prepare on Stripe or the payment received can be divided into shares such as commission, supplier or distributor and transferred to the relevant user accounts. You can use Single option for local payment and Multi option if the received payment is transferred to more than one account.

If multi option is selected, Application Fee Amount and Destination sections will appear.

7. Application Fee Amount: This section contains the payment amount that the master account will receive.

8. Destination: This is the field where the ID of the other account created for the payment transfer is entered.

For example, if the amount of money to be withdrawn in the Amount section is $1000, if we want the master account to withdraw $100 in the Application Fee Amount section, $900 will be automatically credited to the Destination account.

You can perform various operations for the added actions via Context Menu (C).

You can easily copy the action with the Copy option. This way, you will gain speed where action repetition is required.

With the Add Confirmation option, you can add a confirmation message for the action to work,

With Add Condition, you can specify that the action you add works in line with a certain condition,

With the Remove option you can easily delete the added action.

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