Learn System Actions in Scheduled Jobs Module

Scheduled Jobs enable the scheduling of certain actions on the Kuika platform. These actions fall into the following categories:

  1. Device
  2. Export (Data Export)
  3. Invers (Vehicle Information and Status)
  4. Notification
  5. Payment

Example Use Cases

  • Download Report (Device - Download Report): Can be used to get an automatic report on a specific day of the year.
  • Data Export (Export - Export Excel): Can be used to export data to an Excel file on a monthly basis.
  • Vehicle Status (Invers - Get Car Info): Get vehicle information periodically.
  • Receive Payment (Payment - Charge Payment Method): Can be used to automate the process of receiving monthly payments.
  • Send Notification (Notification - Send Mail): Can be used to send weekly notification emails to users.

With this training content, you learned the process of creating and managing scheduled jobs in the Scheduled Jobs module.