Interactive elements

Interactive elements are elements that enhance the user experience by allowing users to improve their interaction within the application.

Interactive elements are elements that enhance the user experience by allowing users to improve their interaction within the application.

Stepper guides users through a step-by-step process or tutorial, 

Tab presents content in an organized and accessible tab-based structure, which allows users to easily find the content they want by categorizing information.

Collapse is an element where users can expand and collapse content as needed, thus saving space and improving the user experience. 

Pagination allows large data sets to be organized into pages, helping users to easily navigate through the data.

Interactive elements are elements that enhance the user experience by allowing users to improve their interaction within the application.

Interactive elements are elements that enhance the user experience by allowing users to improve their interaction within the application.

Stepper guides users through a step-by-step process or tutorial, 

Tab presents content in an organized and accessible tab-based structure, which allows users to easily find the content they want by categorizing information.

Collapse is an element where users can expand and collapse content as needed, thus saving space and improving the user experience. 

Pagination allows large data sets to be organized into pages, helping users to easily navigate through the data.


Auxiliary resources
