Mobile Project Screens

Within the scope of this learning content, we will examine the screen designs of the I Have an Idea mobile application, which we realized the design processes in the Designer 1 course.

Within the scope of this learning content, we will examine the screen designs of the I Have an Idea mobile application, which we realized the design processes in the Designer 1 course.

Let's get started!

Tabbar Design

To provide navigation within the mobile application, we prepared a tabbar menu design within the footer element on the screens and made relevant customizations for the screen.

Dashboard Screen

We designed a Dashboard screen to facilitate the summary information and tracking of the ideas entered by the end users of the application and as the application start screen. On this screen, we also used the Tabbar design we created before.

Listing Screen

In the I Have an Idea mobile application, we have prepared the list screen design that provides the listing of the ideas created by the users and the filtering function within the list. In the list screen design, we used a header design and the Tabbar design we had previously prepared.

Form Screen

For another screen design, we have prepared a form screen design with the use of different form elements together to enable users to create new ideas in the I Have an Idea mobile application.

Display Screen

We have designed the Display screen where the detailed information of the ideas created by the application end users are displayed. In this screen, we have provided different information in the tabs of the Tab element.

In the next learning contents in the Builder 1 course, we will perform the necessary development processes for these screen designs.

Within the scope of this learning content, we will examine the screen designs of the I Have an Idea mobile application, which we realized the design processes in the Designer 1 course.

Within the scope of this learning content, we will examine the screen designs of the I Have an Idea mobile application, which we realized the design processes in the Designer 1 course.

Let's get started!

Tabbar Design

To provide navigation within the mobile application, we prepared a tabbar menu design within the footer element on the screens and made relevant customizations for the screen.

Dashboard Screen

We designed a Dashboard screen to facilitate the summary information and tracking of the ideas entered by the end users of the application and as the application start screen. On this screen, we also used the Tabbar design we created before.

Listing Screen

In the I Have an Idea mobile application, we have prepared the list screen design that provides the listing of the ideas created by the users and the filtering function within the list. In the list screen design, we used a header design and the Tabbar design we had previously prepared.

Form Screen

For another screen design, we have prepared a form screen design with the use of different form elements together to enable users to create new ideas in the I Have an Idea mobile application.

Display Screen

We have designed the Display screen where the detailed information of the ideas created by the application end users are displayed. In this screen, we have provided different information in the tabs of the Tab element.

In the next learning contents in the Builder 1 course, we will perform the necessary development processes for these screen designs.


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