Default Options

One of the categories you can use in your working process with Symbol Picker is the Default category.

This category, which is offered by default for your application, contains the parameters that are automatically set and used by the system. Through the Default category, you can access information such as the current user name, the user's IP address and the current version number of the application.

For example, let's assume a scenario where you want to show the username of the logged in user in a Label element in the menu of your application. In this case, you can select Current Username from the Default category via Symbol Picker as the value of the Label element.

One of the categories you can use in your working process with Symbol Picker is the Default category.

This category, which is offered by default for your application, contains the parameters that are automatically set and used by the system. Through the Default category, you can access information such as the current user name, the user's IP address and the current version number of the application.

For example, let's assume a scenario where you want to show the username of the logged in user in a Label element in the menu of your application. In this case, you can select Current Username from the Default category via Symbol Picker as the value of the Label element.


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