Component Validations

In this learning content, we will cover how to apply component specific rules on form elements. For example, we will set rules such as required fields and character length on the staff enrollment screen. We will show how to add and manage such rules, such as a minimum of three characters for the name field. In this way, we will be able to show the user the necessary warning messages for correct input.

In this learning content, we will cover how to apply component-specific rules on form elements. The most common scenarios include required fields and fields with a specific character length.

As an example, let's examine the personnel registration screen. On this screen, let's assume that fields such as staff name and surname need to be filled in mandatorily. As a first step, we select the corresponding form element for the staff name and click on Add Validations in the Properties panel. This adds a rule that by default checks whether the field is mandatory. The warning message that will be shown to the end user in case the rule is violated is specified in this field. If we want to change the message, we can update it here.

Note: Unique validation is difficult to do. When it becomes easier, an example will be added.

Let's give another example for the name field; let's add the rule of entering at least three characters here. After selecting the relevant form element, we add this rule via Add Validations. We set the validation rule as Length Longer Then and enter 3 as the value. The user will be shown a message saying that it is mandatory to enter at least 3 characters. With these validations, we have determined that the namespace is both mandatory and must contain at least three characters. Any number of validation rules can be added to a single field.

For validations added to an interface element to become active, the values of this element must be given as parameters to an action. If a validation is added to an element and the element is not given as a parameter to an action, the validation will not work.
If we want validations on an element that is given as a parameter to an action not to be triggered, click on Don't Trigger Validations in the corresponding action.

There are also some special validation types. For example, for a date or email address to be validated correctly, elements with the relevant validation must be used.

In this learning content, we will cover how to apply component specific rules on form elements. For example, we will set rules such as required fields and character length on the staff enrollment screen. We will show how to add and manage such rules, such as a minimum of three characters for the name field. In this way, we will be able to show the user the necessary warning messages for correct input.

In this learning content, we will cover how to apply component-specific rules on form elements. The most common scenarios include required fields and fields with a specific character length.

As an example, let's examine the personnel registration screen. On this screen, let's assume that fields such as staff name and surname need to be filled in mandatorily. As a first step, we select the corresponding form element for the staff name and click on Add Validations in the Properties panel. This adds a rule that by default checks whether the field is mandatory. The warning message that will be shown to the end user in case the rule is violated is specified in this field. If we want to change the message, we can update it here.

Note: Unique validation is difficult to do. When it becomes easier, an example will be added.

Let's give another example for the name field; let's add the rule of entering at least three characters here. After selecting the relevant form element, we add this rule via Add Validations. We set the validation rule as Length Longer Then and enter 3 as the value. The user will be shown a message saying that it is mandatory to enter at least 3 characters. With these validations, we have determined that the namespace is both mandatory and must contain at least three characters. Any number of validation rules can be added to a single field.

For validations added to an interface element to become active, the values of this element must be given as parameters to an action. If a validation is added to an element and the element is not given as a parameter to an action, the validation will not work.
If we want validations on an element that is given as a parameter to an action not to be triggered, click on Don't Trigger Validations in the corresponding action.

There are also some special validation types. For example, for a date or email address to be validated correctly, elements with the relevant validation must be used.


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