Creating a Data Table‍

In this learning content, we will create data tables to work with data, create user-defined actions and increase the functionality of the application in I Have an Idea web and mobile application. We will create the data tables that we identified as a result of reading the analysis document in previous learning contents.

In this learning content, we will create data tables in I have an idea web and mobile application to work with data, create user-defined actions, and increase the functionality of the application.

In Kuika, the Datasources module is used to work with data and create data tables.

The Datasources module comes by default for each project with a database called ManagedDB, which is hosted on Kuika local servers and used for Workspace-specific purposes.

Through ManageDB you can develop and publish your application without the need for an additional database.

Within the scope of this learning content, we will create the data tables that we determined as a result of reading the analysis document in the previous learning content.

Let's start if you are ready.

To create the data table, first open the Datasources module.

  1. Hover over Tables on the left panel with the cursor and open the new table creation screen by clicking on the + icon that appears.
  2. On the screen that opens, name the table you want to create.

In this learning content, we will create 6 data tables named Department, Personnel, Idea, IdeaLike, IdeaComment and IdeaCategory.

  1. Let's start with the Department table. On the Create a new table screen, type Department as the table name and proceed.

By default, Kuika creates the Table ID column in the Guid data type for each data table you create.

(i) Kuika automatically selects the appropriate data type for the column name when you enter the column name with the artificial intelligence assistant it offers during the table creation process. For this process, you need to click on the AI icon next to the data type before typing the column name.

  1. Apart from Id, create the column titled DepartmentName in the String data type that will be needed in the Department table and complete the addition process via the Add button.
  2. Complete the table creation process by clicking the CREATE button in the upper right corner.

Note If you leave the table creation screen without creating the table, your progress will not be saved and your table creation process will not be performed. For this reason, be sure to create the table.

Now let's create our other table, the Personnel table.

  1. In the Personnel table, the Table ID of the Guid type is created by default.
  2. In addition, add PersonnelNumber, FullName, Email, and Title columns of the String data type.
  3. Then create columns KUserID of type KUser, PersonnelDepartment of type Department, PersonnelImage of type Image, and Status of type Boolean.
  4. Finally, create a CreatedDate column of data type DateTimeOffSet and click the Create button.

Let's continue with the Idea table.

  1. After our inferences from the analysis document, in addition to the Id column created by default in the Idea data table in I have an idea application, create IdeaTitle and IdeaDescription columns in String data type, IdeaHolder in Personnel data type, IdeaImage column in Image type and CreatedDate column in DateTimeOffSet data type.
  2. Click the Create button.

Next, let's create the IdeaLike table.

  1. Except for the Id column, save the table by creating the IdeaID column of type Idea to relate to the Idea table, PersonnelId of type Personnel to relate to the Personnel table, and CreatedDate column of data type DateTimeOffSet.

Let's continue with another table, IdeaComment.

  1. Again, as in other tables, we see that the Id column is created automatically.
  2. In this table, create IdeaID of type Idea to associate with Idea table, PersonnelId associated with Personnel table, and CommentDescription column of string data type for comment text.
  3. Then create CreatedDate column with DateTimeOffSet data type. Save the table after column creation.

Now let's continue with our last table, IdeaCategory.

  1. Except for the Id column that occurs by default, create the CategoryName column in the String data type and click the Create button.

Let's proceed by making our updates in the Idea table.

  1. Find the Idea table in the list under the Table tab on the left and click the Edit button via the detail menu.
  2. Add IdeaCategoryId column of type IdeaCategory to the table that opens.
  3. Click the Update button.

With these operations, we have created multiple new tables.

In this learning content, we will create data tables to work with data, create user-defined actions and increase the functionality of the application in I Have an Idea web and mobile application. We will create the data tables that we identified as a result of reading the analysis document in previous learning contents.

In this learning content, we will create data tables in I have an idea web and mobile application to work with data, create user-defined actions, and increase the functionality of the application.

In Kuika, the Datasources module is used to work with data and create data tables.

The Datasources module comes by default for each project with a database called ManagedDB, which is hosted on Kuika local servers and used for Workspace-specific purposes.

Through ManageDB you can develop and publish your application without the need for an additional database.

Within the scope of this learning content, we will create the data tables that we determined as a result of reading the analysis document in the previous learning content.

Let's start if you are ready.

To create the data table, first open the Datasources module.

  1. Hover over Tables on the left panel with the cursor and open the new table creation screen by clicking on the + icon that appears.
  2. On the screen that opens, name the table you want to create.

In this learning content, we will create 6 data tables named Department, Personnel, Idea, IdeaLike, IdeaComment and IdeaCategory.

  1. Let's start with the Department table. On the Create a new table screen, type Department as the table name and proceed.

By default, Kuika creates the Table ID column in the Guid data type for each data table you create.

(i) Kuika automatically selects the appropriate data type for the column name when you enter the column name with the artificial intelligence assistant it offers during the table creation process. For this process, you need to click on the AI icon next to the data type before typing the column name.

  1. Apart from Id, create the column titled DepartmentName in the String data type that will be needed in the Department table and complete the addition process via the Add button.
  2. Complete the table creation process by clicking the CREATE button in the upper right corner.

Note If you leave the table creation screen without creating the table, your progress will not be saved and your table creation process will not be performed. For this reason, be sure to create the table.

Now let's create our other table, the Personnel table.

  1. In the Personnel table, the Table ID of the Guid type is created by default.
  2. In addition, add PersonnelNumber, FullName, Email, and Title columns of the String data type.
  3. Then create columns KUserID of type KUser, PersonnelDepartment of type Department, PersonnelImage of type Image, and Status of type Boolean.
  4. Finally, create a CreatedDate column of data type DateTimeOffSet and click the Create button.

Let's continue with the Idea table.

  1. After our inferences from the analysis document, in addition to the Id column created by default in the Idea data table in I have an idea application, create IdeaTitle and IdeaDescription columns in String data type, IdeaHolder in Personnel data type, IdeaImage column in Image type and CreatedDate column in DateTimeOffSet data type.
  2. Click the Create button.

Next, let's create the IdeaLike table.

  1. Except for the Id column, save the table by creating the IdeaID column of type Idea to relate to the Idea table, PersonnelId of type Personnel to relate to the Personnel table, and CreatedDate column of data type DateTimeOffSet.

Let's continue with another table, IdeaComment.

  1. Again, as in other tables, we see that the Id column is created automatically.
  2. In this table, create IdeaID of type Idea to associate with Idea table, PersonnelId associated with Personnel table, and CommentDescription column of string data type for comment text.
  3. Then create CreatedDate column with DateTimeOffSet data type. Save the table after column creation.

Now let's continue with our last table, IdeaCategory.

  1. Except for the Id column that occurs by default, create the CategoryName column in the String data type and click the Create button.

Let's proceed by making our updates in the Idea table.

  1. Find the Idea table in the list under the Table tab on the left and click the Edit button via the detail menu.
  2. Add IdeaCategoryId column of type IdeaCategory to the table that opens.
  3. Click the Update button.

With these operations, we have created multiple new tables.


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