Binding Data to a Form Screen

In this learning content, we will perform data binding operations on the I Have an Idea web application's new idea creation screen, where we added the Save Record action in previous learning content.

In this learning content, we will perform data binding operations on the I Have an Idea web application's new idea creation screen, where we added the Save Record action in previous learning content.

  1. Open the new idea addition screen in I have an idea web application.

For the SelectBox that allows to select the Suggestion Category on the screen, a select action is needed to pull all categories.

  1. Open the Custom Action panel.
  2. Click on the + icon and select the Add SQL action option.
  3. In the editor that opens, find the IDeaCategory table in the tables on the left and select the Select action through the 3 dots next to it, name it and click the Create button.
  4. Add the action you created as Initial Action on the form screen.
  5. Select the SelectBox element that will list the categories.
  6. In Properties panel, under Options, select the action you created to list the categories as an action.
  7. Then select CategoryName in Field to Display the field and ID in Field to use as the Key field.

Within the scope of Builder 1 Training, let's carry out image-loading operations through the setup that allows single image loading.

  1. Drag the image in GalleyView out of GalleryView.
  2. Delete the Row where the GalleryView is located.
  3. Center the Image element in the column where it is located.
  4. Select the Add button.
  5. Add the PhotoFromGallery action.
  6. Then add the SetValueOf action.
  7. Select the Image element.
  8. Link the result returned from the PhotoFromGallery action via Symbol Picker.

Let's continue with the Create button. Select the button.

  1. First, let's add the action we created earlier to show user information in the Header on the Dashboard screen to this button. The reason for doing this is to attract user information to add ideas.
  2. Then drag and drop this action you added on top of the SaveRecord action we added before.
  3. Select New GuID for the ID parameter.
  4. Select Symbol Picker>Components>SelectBox1 for IDeaCategory.
  5. For the IDeaDescription parameter, select the Textinput representing Description under Components via Symbol Picker.
  6. For the IDeaHolder parameter, select Symbol Picker>Action Results> SelectUserData>PersonnelID.
  7. For IdeaImage, select Symbol Picker>Components>Image1.
  8. For the IdeaTitle parameter, select the Textinput representing Title under Components via Symbol Picker.
  9. For CreatedDate select Symbol Picker>Defaults>Now.
  10. We are done with the Save Record action. Now add a GoBack action after the Save Record action. This action will return to the previous screen after saving.

With these actions, we have performed data-binding operations on the form screen. We expect you to carry out a similar process and perform data binding operations on a new idea creation screen in the mobile application.

In this learning content, we will perform data binding operations on the I Have an Idea web application's new idea creation screen, where we added the Save Record action in previous learning content.

In this learning content, we will perform data binding operations on the I Have an Idea web application's new idea creation screen, where we added the Save Record action in previous learning content.

  1. Open the new idea addition screen in I have an idea web application.

For the SelectBox that allows to select the Suggestion Category on the screen, a select action is needed to pull all categories.

  1. Open the Custom Action panel.
  2. Click on the + icon and select the Add SQL action option.
  3. In the editor that opens, find the IDeaCategory table in the tables on the left and select the Select action through the 3 dots next to it, name it and click the Create button.
  4. Add the action you created as Initial Action on the form screen.
  5. Select the SelectBox element that will list the categories.
  6. In Properties panel, under Options, select the action you created to list the categories as an action.
  7. Then select CategoryName in Field to Display the field and ID in Field to use as the Key field.

Within the scope of Builder 1 Training, let's carry out image-loading operations through the setup that allows single image loading.

  1. Drag the image in GalleyView out of GalleryView.
  2. Delete the Row where the GalleryView is located.
  3. Center the Image element in the column where it is located.
  4. Select the Add button.
  5. Add the PhotoFromGallery action.
  6. Then add the SetValueOf action.
  7. Select the Image element.
  8. Link the result returned from the PhotoFromGallery action via Symbol Picker.

Let's continue with the Create button. Select the button.

  1. First, let's add the action we created earlier to show user information in the Header on the Dashboard screen to this button. The reason for doing this is to attract user information to add ideas.
  2. Then drag and drop this action you added on top of the SaveRecord action we added before.
  3. Select New GuID for the ID parameter.
  4. Select Symbol Picker>Components>SelectBox1 for IDeaCategory.
  5. For the IDeaDescription parameter, select the Textinput representing Description under Components via Symbol Picker.
  6. For the IDeaHolder parameter, select Symbol Picker>Action Results> SelectUserData>PersonnelID.
  7. For IdeaImage, select Symbol Picker>Components>Image1.
  8. For the IdeaTitle parameter, select the Textinput representing Title under Components via Symbol Picker.
  9. For CreatedDate select Symbol Picker>Defaults>Now.
  10. We are done with the Save Record action. Now add a GoBack action after the Save Record action. This action will return to the previous screen after saving.

With these actions, we have performed data-binding operations on the form screen. We expect you to carry out a similar process and perform data binding operations on a new idea creation screen in the mobile application.


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