
This category is used in data elements that contain multiple records, such as Table, GalleryView, etc., and usually appears in the onClick event triggered when an element is clicked on. The term Current is used in this context to mean the corresponding record and represents the data record to which the clicked item corresponds.

For example, when a user clicks on one of the items listed in a table, the Current category is used to render or show the details of the currently selected record. In this way, user interactions can be directly associated with specific data records.

This category is used in data elements that contain multiple records, such as Table, GalleryView, etc., and usually appears in the onClick event triggered when an element is clicked on. The term Current is used in this context to mean the corresponding record and represents the data record to which the clicked item corresponds.

For example, when a user clicks on one of the items listed in a table, the Current category is used to render or show the details of the currently selected record. In this way, user interactions can be directly associated with specific data records.


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