Creating a Workflow in Process Automation

Creating Process Automation Screens

You can quickly and easily transform the processes you create in applications with process automation that you develop in Kuika into interfaces that end users with different roles and authorizations can access.

Now let's examine the process of creating a process automation screen step by step.

  1. Open the process automation we created in the previous learning content.
  2. Select one of the User Task in the process.
  3. Click on the gear icon next to the screen icon in the Properties panel.
  4. In the Modal screen that opens, all the processes in your application will be listed in the left area.
  5. Expand the process you want to create a screen for.
  6. When you expand the process, the User Tasks in the process will be listed.
  7. You can advance the screen creation process by selecting the User Task you want to create a screen for.

Within the scope of our example scenario, we will perform the screen creation process for each User Task.

Let's start with HR Approve.

  1. Select the User Task named HR Approve.
  2. Click the Create button on the screen.
  3. All Business Objects you defined in the process will be listed on the screen.
  4. Leave the items that will be on the task screen selected.
  5. Make the selections for the Inputs to be used on the human resources approval screen and the items that will be read only.
  6. Remove the check mark next to IdeaNo.
  7. Make IdeaTitle, Idea Description, IdeaDate and Manager Description Read Only.
  8. Update the element type for HR Description to Text Area.

Now let's continue with the other User Task, the task named IdeaRegister.

  1. Click the Create button.
  2. Make the selections for the Inputs to register the idea after the approval of human resources and the elements that will be read only.
  3. Make IdeaTitle, Idea Description, IdeaDate and Manager Description, HR Description read only.
  4. Remove the check mark next to IdeaNo.

Select the last User Task, Manager Approve User Task.

  1. Click on the Create button.
  2. Make the selections for the Inputs to be used on the manager approval screen and the items that will be read only.
  3. In the example scenario, remove the check mark next to HR Description and IdeaNo.
  4. Make IdeaTitle, Idea Description and IdeaDate read only.
  5. Update the element type for Manager Description to Text Area.

If you want, you can update the position of the buttons on the screens to be created

  1. Click on the gear icon on the left bar to edit the button positions.
  2. You can select button positions via the SelectBox on the screen that opens.
  3. Under Form, which is offered for button positions, allows the button to be presented under the form, while Top allows it to be presented in the Header and Bottom allows it to be presented in the Footer.
  4. After all operations, you can create the screens by clicking the Save button.

To view the created screens, you can go to the Screens panel in the UI Design module and view the screens under the Workflow Screens heading.

  1. Now let's edit the IdeaRegister task to create a dynamic Guid for the idea number.
  2. Open the Idea Register screen.
  3. Select the Resume Process button.
  4. Expand the Resume Process Action and define New Guid for the Idea No parameter in the action.

You can also use the gear icon next to the Workflow Screens title in the Screens panel to edit the screens of process automations.

It is that fast and easy to create task screens for the process automations you develop with Kuika.

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You can quickly and easily transform the processes you create in applications with process automation that you develop in Kuika into interfaces that end users with different roles and authorizations can access.

You can quickly and easily transform the processes you create in applications with process automation that you develop in Kuika into interfaces that end users with different roles and authorizations can access.

Now let's examine the process of creating a process automation screen step by step.

  1. Open the process automation we created in the previous learning content.
  2. Select one of the User Task in the process.
  3. Click on the gear icon next to the screen icon in the Properties panel.
  4. In the Modal screen that opens, all the processes in your application will be listed in the left area.
  5. Expand the process you want to create a screen for.
  6. When you expand the process, the User Tasks in the process will be listed.
  7. You can advance the screen creation process by selecting the User Task you want to create a screen for.

Within the scope of our example scenario, we will perform the screen creation process for each User Task.

Let's start with HR Approve.

  1. Select the User Task named HR Approve.
  2. Click the Create button on the screen.
  3. All Business Objects you defined in the process will be listed on the screen.
  4. Leave the items that will be on the task screen selected.
  5. Make the selections for the Inputs to be used on the human resources approval screen and the items that will be read only.
  6. Remove the check mark next to IdeaNo.
  7. Make IdeaTitle, Idea Description, IdeaDate and Manager Description Read Only.
  8. Update the element type for HR Description to Text Area.

Now let's continue with the other User Task, the task named IdeaRegister.

  1. Click the Create button.
  2. Make the selections for the Inputs to register the idea after the approval of human resources and the elements that will be read only.
  3. Make IdeaTitle, Idea Description, IdeaDate and Manager Description, HR Description read only.
  4. Remove the check mark next to IdeaNo.

Select the last User Task, Manager Approve User Task.

  1. Click on the Create button.
  2. Make the selections for the Inputs to be used on the manager approval screen and the items that will be read only.
  3. In the example scenario, remove the check mark next to HR Description and IdeaNo.
  4. Make IdeaTitle, Idea Description and IdeaDate read only.
  5. Update the element type for Manager Description to Text Area.

If you want, you can update the position of the buttons on the screens to be created

  1. Click on the gear icon on the left bar to edit the button positions.
  2. You can select button positions via the SelectBox on the screen that opens.
  3. Under Form, which is offered for button positions, allows the button to be presented under the form, while Top allows it to be presented in the Header and Bottom allows it to be presented in the Footer.
  4. After all operations, you can create the screens by clicking the Save button.

To view the created screens, you can go to the Screens panel in the UI Design module and view the screens under the Workflow Screens heading.

  1. Now let's edit the IdeaRegister task to create a dynamic Guid for the idea number.
  2. Open the Idea Register screen.
  3. Select the Resume Process button.
  4. Expand the Resume Process Action and define New Guid for the Idea No parameter in the action.

You can also use the gear icon next to the Workflow Screens title in the Screens panel to edit the screens of process automations.

It is that fast and easy to create task screens for the process automations you develop with Kuika.


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