
Date and Time Input Elements

In interface design, the Date and Time Input category provides an important set of tools that enable users to manage time-related data in an interactive way. Elements in this category, such as Date, Date Range, Date Time Range, Date Time, Month Picker and Year Picker, diversify the functions of tracking, selecting and displaying time.

In interface design, the Date and Time Input category provides an important set of tools that enable users to manage time-related data in an interactive way. Elements in this category, such as Date, Date Range, Date Time Range, Date Time, Month Picker and Year Picker, diversify the functions of tracking, selecting and displaying time.

Date and Date Range are used for single or interval date selection.

Date Time and Date Time Range allow to specify more specific time intervals,

Month and Year Picker make it easy for users to select the month or year.

These elements help users to easily manage, plan and visualize time-related data, providing a more intuitive and interactive user experience.