Data Model and CRUD

Working with Mock Data

Mock data are placeholder texts and images used during the screen design phase when developing a new application. This temporary data is used to plan and test how the final app will look.

In this learning content, we will examine the concept of mock data and the use of mock data in interface design.In the process of developing a new application, content such as placeholder text and images that you use to plan and test how the final design will be while preparing a screen design constitutes mock data.

Let's examine this issue more closely with an example.Let's assume that you have designed a screen called Suggestions in a mobile project you developed in Kuika. When we look at the details of the screen, there is a GalleryView element at the outermost.

Since this element has a Data Repeater structure, when you preview the application and look at it in the web environment, you will encounter the message “No data found”. This message is shown when there is no dynamic data in the DataRepeater and Chart category elements. To solve this, you can create a sample data set by adding a simple SQL.

It will be enough to add the content you want to see as a placeholder without binding data in elements such as Label, Image. In cases where you do not yet know what kind of text to show, you can fill the Label element by adding a temporary text such as “Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.” or you can add the image you want from the “Uploaded Image” section as a representative before adding the images you will use dynamically from the data source to the design.You can work with Mock Data in accordance with your needs during the design process and preview your application in a real life scenario with the temporary data you add.