Actions and Basic Structures

What is Action?

Actions are dynamic features that add functionality to the applications you develop on Kuika. They make the user interface of your application dynamic and interactive.

Actions are dynamic features that add functionality to the applications you develop on Kuika. They make the user interface of your application dynamic and interactive.

In Kuika, actions are offered in two different types.

First, there are system actions, which are provided by Kuika by default according to the application type. Kuika offers ready-to-use system actions that allow you to implement many functions without writing any code. These actions can be Web or Mobile depending on the type of application.

Another type of action is custom, user-defined actions that users can create and use when they need more than system actions. There are different alternatives to create custom actions in Kuika. Examples of these alternatives are creating a SQL Action or executing an API method from an external data source.

Actions are a very important construct for the application lifecycle in Kuika. If you want to develop a dynamic and user-oriented application, you can add value to your projects by leveraging the power of system and custom actions.