
Special Elements

The Special category contains elements designed for situations that require unique and specialized functionality in interface design.

The Special category contains elements designed for situations that require unique and specialized functionality in interface design. Elements in this category, such as Web View, Signature, Chat, Maps, Divider, Micro App, offer special tools that enrich the user experience and extend the functionality of applications or websites.

Web View is used to display web content directly within the application, so users can browse the web without leaving the application.

Signature provides a space for obtaining digital signatures, which facilitates the verification and approval of electronic documents.

Chat is a communication platform that allows users to communicate in real time.

Maps offers map visualizations and helps users explore geographic information.

Divider improves organization by creating a visual separation between content sections.

MicroApp is an advanced tool that enables the integration and execution of different applications within an application using micro front-end architecture, which supports modular and flexible application development.

Each element is specifically designed to meet a specific user need and together they make the digital environments in which users interact more functional, accessible and interactive.