What is the Agency System?

An agency system is a system that facilitates the user to delegate tasks to another team member in the absence of the user. For example, suppose you are developing an application where permission processes are managed. Assume that there is a screen where permissions are entered and a screen where permissions are approved by the administrator. When the manager is on leave, the agency system is of great benefit to prevent the employee's leave from being suspended. With the agency system, the manager can appoint a person to take care of him/her. The appointed person, that is, the agency, can view the manager's business processes like the manager. This makes the processes efficient and ensures business continuity.

In Process Automation, the user can ensure that the agency he/she assigns to himself/herself and the work he/she has can be displayed on the agency.

The agency system is used in the output of the application. In other words, it is not fully in the application development process but a part of the process. Users can use this system in applications in line with their requests.

Within the scope of the agency system, there are Get Agent and Set Agent actions within the Kuika Process Automation actions. These actions enable the realization of agency transactions on the user.

You cannot give an additional agency to the user who has an agency. For example, if Admin has given agency to user 1, user 1 cannot get another agency at the same time.