Process Automation Design Environment

When the Process Automation design environment is examined, there is a Canvas in the middle area and a toolbox with tools that can be used in the Process creation process.

When the Process Automation design environment is examined, there is a toolbox in the middle area with Canvas and tools that can be used in the Process creation process. On the left panel, there is the Processes panel where the created Processes are listed, the Process Parameters Panel where parameters are added to the created Processes, and the Custom Actions panel where special actions can be added to the created Processes.

2.1 Process Automation Tools

Kuika offers many tools to facilitate and accelerate the Process Automation design process.

  • Activate The Hand Tool,is the tool to move the created Process together with the Canvas.
  • Activate The Lasso Tool,It is a tool for moving the regions squared with the cursor in a collective way.
  • Activate the Create / Remove Space Tool, In the created Process, this tool is used to make area adjustments such as expanding or shrinking in the selected part.
  • Activate The Global Connect Tool, It is the tool that enables the connection with other tools in the created Process.
  • Create Start Event, It is the startup tool of the Process.
  • Create End Event, It is the end tool of the Process.
  • Create Exclusive Gateway, The Exclusive Gateway Event used in the created Process has more than one path. The process proceeds through a path that meets the condition in line with the specified condition. Business processes are interconnected. Exclusive Gateway is used in situations that are connected to a condition and only used to find the correct path. In the decision process, the path rule to be travelled must be determined. The path order added to Create Exclusive Gateway is important. When you click on the Create Exclusive Gateway icon, you can set the path order and therefore the job order by drag and drop via the Properties panel on the right.
  • Create Parallel Gateway, It is the tool that is used for the asynchronous realisation of the planned jobs, where the road junction is specified in the Process and the jobs are progressed in parallel at this road junction and then gathered in one place. Divided by Parallel Gateway It is the structure used in jobs where the business processes that need to be done at the same time can proceed independently of each other, and the process does not end before all the work is finished.

If a process is divided with parallel gateways, these jobs must be combined at one point.

  • Create User Task, It is the activity where user interaction takes place.
  • Create Task, It is the activity in which system interaction takes place.

When designing the Process process, a toolbox opens on the Canvas when you click on the elements to speed up and facilitate the process.

With Change type, you can change Gateway, Task and Event on Canvas.

With Append Text Annotation, you can drop notes about the Process into the Process. These are notes that are not displayed when the process is run.

  • With Remove you can easily delete tools.

Pool structure is included in the BPMN 2.0 structure. Pool structure constitutes the process itself.

You can create lanes within this structure. Lanes help to create a specific area for users in the process

To create a Lane, click on the Canvas and select the icon showing the area where you want to add a Lane from the small window that opens in the upper right corner. You can add lanes more than once on the Canvas, from above and below.

The use of lanes not only helps to visually separate user tasks, but also allows you to make authorisations within the Process. That is, you can assign tasks to users. You can assign 3 types of tasks as Everyone, Role, Dynamic.

In order for task assignment operations to be performed, the Use Lane Assignment Switch must be disabled.

1. Everyone:

Everyone will have a defined task in a pool. Each user will be able to see this task and will be able to take on and complete the tasks in each user's task pool.


Th e roles defined in the process are the tasks assigned by selecting them.

If there is no role in the process yet, you can create a new role by clicking the +Add New Role button.

3. Dynamic:

These are users who are not defined as a role in the application but are brought and assigned with an action. When it is dynamic, Custom creates a user group and creates a returning action and assigns it to the users it returns. Click +SELECT ACTIONS to select the actions that can be connected.

Dynamic Assignment:

It enables the connection of process variables.

For example, with Dynamic Assignment, you have assigned a variable named Approver that performs the approval operations of the tasks on Lane in the process.

Click Symbol Picker to link this variable with Dynamic Assignment. By selecting Process Parameters→ Internal→ Approver, you will have assigned the tasks on the Lane to Appover.

Find Manager:

There is an admin area on the user in the application. The administrator is the user linked by Kuika. However, when an integration is made by Custom Provider, you can determine what this action will return via Provider.

Let's examine the use of action with an example.

Action creation is created in the same way as system actions. An input must be received. Click Symbol Picker to add an input.

For example, the manager of the person who initiated the process returns with this action.

Other actions added work in the same way. The variables of the desired process must be given as input and the return result must be a string or string list. For detailed information about Process Automation actions, you can review the related content.

If you have previously created a custom action from the Datasource field, they will also be displayed in this list.

2.2.Process Parameters

1.Business Object

They are data that can be used in the process of creating a process. It should not be confused with the conceptual variables specified in the design part of the process. They are structures that can be used in the form structure.

In the following process, Business Object will provide convenience to users together with ready-made form structures.

For example, let's define the variable Permitday as the user leave day. Is Input should be selected because it is data that needs to be entered by the user. Then you can create the variable by clicking the CREATE button.


Variables that may be required for logical control. They are not structures that can be shown in the form structure.

For example, in the process of taking leave, since the control process of whether the user has the right to leave will be in the background, we must create the variable that determines whether the user has the right to leave in the Internal field. Define a Boolean type variable named Progress Payment and click on the CREATE button. If the user has the right to a day off, progress is made on a specific path, if not, progress is made on another path.

2.3 Properties

It is a panel on the right side that contains properties that change depending on the created Process Events and Canvas.

1.Properties Panel of CanvasThis panel is a panel that opens when you click on the Canvas.

There are Process Description and Process Due fields.

  • Process Description, This is the field where the description of the planned process is made in Process.
  • Process Due, This is the area where the realisation time of the process is determined and the completion time of the process is determined.

2.Start Event’s Properties Panel

3. Create Exclusive Gateway Properties Panel

It is the area on the Properties panel where the condition and ordering of the operations on the Process are set. You can call the variables created in the parameter panel with the Symbol Picker in the None field. You can specify the logical values required for the condition in the Selectbox.

In order to determine the path order, a selection must be made from the Will execute otherwise field. For example, if Yes is selected in the Will execute otherwise field, the first path used in the Process is No path.

4.Create Task Properties Panel

You must click on Create Task Event to open the Create Task Properties panel. In the Properties panel that opens, there is the Actions option where you can add Kuika's system actions and the Step Outputs option that determines the output of the output steps in the Process.

When the +SELECT WF PARAMS TO MAP option under Step Outputs is clicked, the output of the selected variables is prepared.

For example, to output the variable specified as Approver, click on +SELECT WF PARAMS TO MAP, select Approver and click on SAVE button.

5. Create User Task Properties Panel

You should click on Create User Task Event to open the Create user task panel. In the Properties panel that opens, there are Assignment field where tasks can be assigned to users, Step Description field where step descriptions are made, Processes are called with parameters using @, Process Due field where the process in which the processes will take place is determined and Step Outputs as in Create Task.

Process Due is the field where the time for the realisation of the Processes is determined. If the specified time has expired but the Process is not realised, the next Process is not skipped. Even if the process time has passed, the process is expected to be completed.

The only difference of Step Output in Create User Task from Create Task is the field where what will be changed in the output of this step is selected since the information will be changed from the screens entered by the users.