Elements Panel in Report Designer

In Kuika's Report Designer module, you can design or edit PDF reports using various elements. These elements, which have more basic features compared to the UI Design panel, can be positioned freeform on the canvas. This makes reports more effective and visually rich. In this tutorial, you will learn how to effectively use the elements in the Elements panel of the PDF Report Designer module.

Let's examine the elements in the “Elements” panel on the left side of the Report Designer module and their usage areas.

  1. Header: Used to show the report title and general information. It acts like a panel and is automatically added on each report page. For example, when a 10-page report is created, the header is included as the header field of each page.
  2. Footer: Used to show general information or notes at the bottom of the report. It acts like a panel and is added automatically on each report page. For example, when a 10-page report is created, each page will have a footer at the bottom edge (as a footer field).
  3. Label: Used to add text, descriptions or labels. Unlike UI Design, it can be resized depending on the text length. With the “Writing Mode” property of the Label element, you can set the text orientation vertically or horizontally.
  4. Icon It is the element used to add visual icons.
  5. Box: It is used to provide an organized view by grouping certain sections in the report and to design boxes with customizable backgrounds.
  6. Panel: Used to bring a group of elements together to create an organized structure.
  7. Barcode Renderer: Used to display product information, ID numbers or other data in barcode format.
  8. Image: Used to add logos, photos or other visual elements to reports. Base64 images can be added and easily resized with the mouse cursor. Also, sizing and styling operations can be done from the styling panel.
  9. QR Renderer: It is used to display data in QR code format, so it can be easily scanned with mobile devices.
  10. Report Table: Used to create data tables in reports. You can edit the contents in the table with the Panel Block feature.

Additional Features and Usage Details

Adding Elements to Canvas from the Elements Panel:

  • Elements are added to Canvas automatically by creating a panel.
  • In panel sizing, a value smaller than the size of the element cannot be given. Elements cannot extend beyond the panel.

Position and Size Changes:

  • When the positions of the elements on the canvas are changed by drag and drop, the position (X-Y) values in the styling panel are automatically displayed according to the new position.
  • The size of the panel behind the elements also changes according to the changes made in the size values.

Kuika's Report Designer elements and features allow you to design your reports more effectively and present the data you want in a visually rich format.