Configure settings for uploading apps on the Google Play Store

You can publish a mobile application developed in Kuika via Google Play Store. To publish the application you have developed in the Play Store, you must make the necessary adjustments to the Android operating system through the Kuika Config Manager view mode and provide the connection.

  • To make the connection, open the Android screen in the configuration by creating a new configuration or opening an existing configuration in Configuration Manager view mode.
  • In the text entry opposite the App Name heading under the Mobile App Settings section, you must enter the application name you want the application you have developed to be displayed on the device.
  • The Bundle ID title on the screen is a unique keyword that distinguishes your application from other applications. It is generally recommended to use the Bundle ID structure as com.workspaceadi.applicationname. You should create a Bundle ID and enter it in the relevant field.
  • Version header is the version information of your application. Version information should be entered as
  • In this section, you should finally enter the version code of your application in the field opposite App Version code.
  • Then you should connect your application with the Play Store.
  • To provide Play Store connection, click the drop-down menu opposite Configuration under the Play Store Settings section.
  • Click ADD NEW in the drop-down menu to open the modal screen where you can enter information for the connection.
  • In the modal screen that opens, first enter the Play Store Connect API configuration setting name of your application.
  • Then select the publishing type that suits your needs from the APK, APPETISE and AAB types under the Publish Type heading.
  • To output APK, select APK from the drop-down menu opposite Publish Type.
  • You need to provide an additional information entry on this screen to get APK output.
  • If you have selected Appetize as the application publishing type, you need to provide information for Appetize.

When Appetize is selected as the publishing type, Appetize API Token information is required.

If you prefer to use Appetize, log in to your Appetize account to get the Appetize API Token information and fill in the relevant field on the Google Play connect API setting modal screen in Kuika.

You can follow the instructions provided by Appetize to open an Appetize account and access API Key information.

If you have selected AAB as the application publishing type, you need to provide some information required for AAB.

Android App Bundle (AAB) is an Android publishing format supported by Google Play and other app stores, as well as build tools such as Android Studio, Bazel, Buck, Cocos Creator, Gradle, Unity and Unreal.

Application packages are for publishing purposes only and cannot be installed on Android devices. An Android package (APK) is Android's installable, executable format for applications. Application packages must be converted into APKs by a distributor before they can be installed on devices.

With the AAB publication type selection, you must first add the .jks extension file created for the key store against the Signing Store File title.

  • After uploading the file with .jks extension, you are expected to enter the Signing Store Password information in the next step.
  • Then, on the modal screen, you must enter the key alias that identifies the key against the Signing Key Alias title.
  • As the last step on this screen, complete the information entry for AAB by entering the password you defined for your key against the Signing Key Password heading.
  • After entering the information for the publication type you have selected, complete the process by clicking the CREATE button.