Configure Push Notification Settings for iOS Devices

To adjust Push Notification settings for iOS devices:

  1. After adding a new configuration, go to the “iOS” tab in the Settings modal.
  2. Select the “Settings” drop-down menu in the Push Notification area under the iOS tab.
  1. Click on the “ADD NEW” button.
  1. Enter the following information from the Push Notification Setting pop-up screen:
  • Name: Name the Push Notification via the text input box.
  • Team Id: Sign in to the Apple developer center for Team Id. Then click on the “Account” button. After accessing the Team Id information from the “Membership Details” field on the page that opens, enter it in the field in the Push Notification settings.
  • Publish Type: If you will provide the broadcast by sending the file with “.ipa” extension to the simulator, you should select the broadcast type as “Development”. If you are broadcasting to the application via “Testflight” , you should select “Production” as the broadcast type.
  • Notification Certificate: To access the certificate file with “.p8” extension for iOS devices, go to the “Apple Account Manager” page and log in with your Apple Developer account. After the login process, open the “Users and Access” page. Click on the “Keys” button on the page that opens. Then click on the “+” icon to create and download the “.p8” file. Then install it with the “Choose” button opposite the Notification Certificate in the Push Notification settings. After the installation process is complete, click the “CREATE” button.
You can download the file with “.p8” extension only once. Therefore, you should save the file well.