Configure Push Notification Settings for Android Devices

To adjust Push Notification settings for Android devices:

  1. After adding a new configuration, go to the Android tab in the Settings modal that opens.
  2. Select the “Settings” drop-down menu in the Push Notification area under the Android tab.
  1. Click on the “ADD NEW” button.
  1. Enter the following information from the Firebase Setting pop-up screen:
  • Name: Name the Firebase Setting via the text input box.
  • Sender ID: Log in to Firebase Console to get the Sender ID information. Then click on the relevant project or create a new project if you do not have one already created. Click on the“Cloud Messaging” tab. On the page that opens, you can find the Sender ID information under the Cloud Messaging API (Legacy) heading.
  • Server Key: You can find the Server Key information under the Cloud Messaging API (Legacy) heading in Firebase Console.
  • Service Account Json: Go to the “Service Accounts” tab in the settings of your project in Firebase Console and download the JSON file. Upload the downloaded JSON file with the “Choose” button in the Service Account Json field. After the upload process is complete, click the “CREATE” button.
  • Notification Certificate: On the project screen opened in Firebase Console, go to the settings page by clicking the Gear/Settings icon next to the “Project Overview” title from the left panel. Download the file named “google-services.json” in the“General” tab. Upload this file with the “Choose” button in the Notification Certificate field. After the installation process is complete, click the “CREATE” button.