Add Initialize Checkout Form Action

  1. After logging into the Kuika platform, open the project you will work on from the “Apps” screen.
  2. While in the “UI Design” module, open the “Properties” panel on the right side.
  1. Select “Initial Actions → Payment → Iyzico → Initialize Checkout Form” from the “+ADD ACTION” drop-down menu.
  2. Then configure the following fields:

  • UserName: This parameter defines the name of the user who is logged in to the application and will receive a subscription.
  • Pricing Plan Reference Code: This parameter defines the reference code of the subscription plan created in Iyzico. The reference code differs according to subscription plans. This code is obtained from Iyzico.
  • Phone Number: This parameter defines the phone number of the user to be used in the payment process.
  • Identity Number: It is the parameter that defines the user's ID number information to be used in the payment process.
  • Address: It is the parameter that will be used in the payment process, where the user's address information is defined.
  • City: This parameter defines the city information of the user to be used in the payment process.
  • Country: This parameter defines the country information of the user to be used in the payment process.
  • Zip Code: It is the parameter that will be used in the payment process, where the user's zip code information is defined.