Add Charge Payment Method Action

  1. After logging into the Kuika platform, open the project you will work on from the “Apps” screen.
  2. While in the “UI Design” module, open the “Properties” panel on the right side.
  1. Select “Initial Actions → Payment → Stripe → Charge Payment Method” from the “+ADD ACTION” drop-down menu.
  2. Configure the following fields from the drop-down menu:
  • Payment Method: This is the field where the payment methods previously saved by the user are called. The parameter input method can be selected by using Symbol Picker (B) in the added action. In order to receive payment from the registered card, “Actions → + ADD ACTION → Initial Action → Payment → Stripe → Setup Intent” action must be created and called. Then complete the connection by selecting “Action Results → Setup Intent → Payment Method” using the “Symbol Picker” in the “Charge Payment Method → Payment Method” section.
  • Currency: Select the currency in which the payment will be made. This currency must be the same as the currency defined in your Stripe account.
  • Amount: Specify how much money will be withdrawn in the smallest unit of the selected currency. For example, entering a value of 10 for US Dollar ($) will withdraw 10 cents.
  • Description: This is the field where the description about the payment is entered.
  • Customer Mail Address: This is the field where the e-mail address of the customer is entered.
  • Single/Multi Part: Determines the distribution method of the received payment. “Single” option is used if the payment will be transferred to a single account, “Multi” option is used if the payment will be divided into more than one account. When the “Multi” option is selected, “Application Fee Amount” and “Destination” parameters are added.
  • Application Fee Amount : It is the field where the commission amount to be received by the master account is specified.
  • Destination: This is the field where the ID of the other account to which the payment transfer will be made is entered. For example, if the total payment amount is $1000 and $100 is entered in the “Application Fee Amount” field, the master account will receive $100 and the remaining $900 will be automatically transferred to the “Destination” account.