Add Assign Task To User Action

  1. After logging into the Kuika platform, open the project you will work on from the “Apps” screen.
  2. While in the “UI Design” module, open the “Properties” panel on the right side.

     3. Select “Initial Action → Process Automation → Assign Task To User” from the “+ ADD ACTION” drop-down menu.

     4.Configure the following fields from the drop-down menu:

  • Step Key: This is the field where the Instance Id of the tasks are entered. Enter the ID number that identifies a specific task and is used to track the process.
  • User: Enter the username or email of the user to whom you want to assign the task. The information entered determines which user will undertake the task.
  • Entitlement Check: This field checks whether the user has the necessary authorizations to be assigned to the task. It is used to determine whether the user is suitable to undertake the relevant task.