Kuika offers ready-made screen templates to speed up the application development process and provide convenience to the user.

2.1. Dashboard templates

  1. Dashboard: There is a ready Header structure. There are 1 Row and 1 Table element in the remaining area. There are two column structures in Row. It is a template with Bar Chart and Donut Chart structure and a table in the column structure.
  2. Card and List: There is a ready Header structure. There are 1 Row and 1 Table element in the remaining area. The structure of the Row element consists of 1 column.
  3. Two Col: There is a ready Header structure. The remaining area consists of two columns. While the first column contains the table element, the second column consists of two rows. Bar Chart element is located in the first row. The second row contains the Donut Chart element.
  4. Three Col : There is a ready Header structure. There are 1 Row and 1 Table element in the remaining area. There are three column structures in Row.
  5. Screen name: It is the field where the created screen is named. Then the screen is created by clicking the CREATE button.

2.2. Form templates

  1. Single Column: Form structure consists of a single column.
  2. Two Columns: Form structure consists of two columns.
  3. Image Gallery: The form structure consists of two columns. Image Gallery element is located in the second column structure.
  4. Location Picker: Form structure consists of two columns. Google Maps element is located in the second column structure.
  5. Screen name: This is the field where the created screen is named. Then the screen is created by clicking the CREATE button.

2.3. List templates

  1. Two Columns: The form structure consists of two columns. The first column structure consists of a table.
  2. Detailed: Form structure consists of table, search and selectbox element.
  3. Detailed and Search: Form structure consists of table and selectbox element.
  4. Detailed with Location Picker: Form structure consists of table and Google Maps element.
  5. Screen name: It is the field where the created screen is named. Then the screen is created by clicking the CREATE button.

2.4. Authentication templates

Learn Authentication screen templates in Kuika.

Kuika offers various screen template types to speed up the application development process. In the application development process, you can use template screens in accordance with the needs of the application. One of the template screen types you can use is Authentication screens.

Adding Template Authentication Screen:

You can add Authentication screen template to the application you have developed, you can edit and update it.

Follow these steps to add Authentication Screen template:

  1. To add Authentication screen template, open the Screens panel from the left side.
  2. Click on the +New Screen icon in the Screens panel.
  3. Click Authentication in the pop-up left menu.

Template Authentication Screens:

Authentication screen templates are available in various types. At this point, you can choose the Authentication screen type suitable for the application you are developing.

You can edit Authentication screen templates and all elements according to the needs of the application.

Authentication screens come with default text contents. You can make updates and edits to the text content specific to your application.

  1. Progressive User: Ready-made templates with user list are provided.
  2. Reset Password: Reset Password ready-made templates are presented.
  3. Sign In: Sign In ready-made templates are presented.
  4. Sign Up: Sign Up ready-made templates are presented.
  5. User Template: Templates are presented where information that may be required for the user can be obtained.
  6. Verification Code: Templates are presented where Verification Code can be obtained in Reset Password operation.
  7. Screen name: This is the field where the created screen is named. Then the screen is created by clicking the CREATE button.

2.5. Screen Group

  1. Grid Card with Search: These templates include Grid Card structure and Search.
  2. Personal Grid Card with search: These are the templates containing Personal Grid Card structure and Search.
  3. Screen name: This is the field where the created screen is named. Then the screen is created by clicking the CREATE button.