1.1. Blank Screen

Blank screen templates are blank screens. There are three types: Blank, Blank With Header and Blank With Header For Mobile.

  1. Blank: It is a completely empty screen, that is, a screen without any elements on it. You can control access to this screen with Anonymous Access and All Roles Access.
  2. Blank With Header:It is a screen that has only Header element on it and works only in web applications.
  3. Blank With Header For Mobile: It is a screen that has only Header element on it and works only in mobile applications.
  4. To create a Blank screen, click Screens → + icon → New Screen → Blank. Select the Blank type, name the screen and click the CREATE button.

1.2. CRUD Wizard

CRUD Wizard is a structure that creates an easy screen in seconds using the Create, Read, Update and Delete functions connected to your database.

To create a CRUD Wizard screen, click "+" > New Screen > CRUD Wizard in the Screens panel.

  1. Datasources: This is the section where the data source of the screens to be created is selected. Select the relevant data source and data table in these fields.
  2. Screen Type: This is the field where the display type of the form screen to be created is determined.

    • Drawer: It is the screen type where the page is opened with an animation from the right, left, top or bottom edge.
    • Modal Box: It is the screen type that allows the open page to be navigated and displayed like a pop-up in the middle.
    • Current Page: It is a screen type where the open page is closed and opened as a new page.
  3. Layout Design: This is the section where the column layout is selected when the screen is displayed on devices such as desktop, tablet and phone.
  4. Choose screen and properties: This is the section where the created screen and its properties are defined.

    • List screen: Allows the creation of the list screen to be made with the table element of the selected data table.
    • Search: Allows the search field to be added to the list screen.
    • Pagination: Allows the page numberer to be added under the table element in the list screen.
    • Create: Creates the form screen that allows new data to be added to the data on the list screen.
    • View: Allows the data to be displayed in the table or not. It is shown with the eye icon in the created table.
    • Update: Form properties are added to update the data. It also automatically adds the navigation to be opened by adding a pencil icon to each item on the list screen.
    • Delete: Adds the function that allows deleting a data from the list screen and the related button.
  5. Screen name: This is the field where the created screen is named. Then you can create a screen by clicking the "CREATE" button.

In the Header section of the screens created with CRUD, a "Navigate" action is automatically added to open the Left Menu of the screens when the menu icon is clicked. You can later add the created CRUD screens as individual items from the Left Menu screen.

1.3. From Excel

You can add the excel files on your device to the Database in the application as a table with excel import. Each page of the Excel file you upload in the Excel import category is added to the Database as a table, each column header is added as a table column and the data under the column is written to the table. With this table, CRUD screens are created with the desired options.

To create a From Excel screen, click Screens → + icon → Screen → From Excel.

  1. Datasources: You can integrate Excel files in your device by clicking Choose from computer on the screens to be created.
  2. Screen name: This is the field where the created screen is named. Then the screen is created by clicking the CREATE button.