System Actions
Process Automation actions

Set Agent

Set Agent

The Set Agent action is the action that enables the assignment of a proxy to a user in the system. The existence of a user's proxy allows the tasks of the person who is the proxy and the person who gives him/her power of attorney to be displayed. In cases where a proxy is given, it is the action that allows the proxy user to view the tasks and take over the tasks through the username.

This action allows the specific user (proxy) to take part in a certain stage of the workflow or to take over the responsibilities of another user.

You cannot give another proxy to the user who has a proxy.

The user cannot delegate to himself.

To add the Set Agent action, click +Add Action under the Properties panel.

Click OnClick--> Process Automation-->Set Agent and create the Set Agent action. (A)

The created Set Agent action comes with Username and Agent Username parameters.

  • Username: It is the parameter where the user name of the user to be assigned as proxy is entered as input.

The user to be deputised must be a Kuika user. Otherwise, user entry is not made.

  • Agent Username: This is the field where the user name of the user to be defined as proxy is entered as input.

You can either pull the parameters from the database by clicking Symbol Picker(B) or you can enter them manually.

You can perform various operations for the added actions via Context Menu (C).

You can easily copy the action with the Copy option. Thus, you gain speed where action repetition is required.

With the Add Confirmation option, you can add a confirmation message for the action to work,

With Add Condition, you can determine that the action you add works in accordance with a certain condition,

You can easily delete the action added with the Remove option.

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