System Actions
Process Automation Actions

Navigate To Task

Navigate To Task

Kuika's Navigate To Task action is used to direct users to a specific task screen.

With this action:

  • Users can quickly access the relevant task screen.
  • You can speed up workflows by making it easier to track tasks.
  • You can make the user experience more streamlined.

Navigate To Task action is supported in web and mobile apps.

Add Navigate To Task Action

  1. Log in to the Kuika platform.
  2. Open the project you will work on from the Apps screen.
  3. While in the UI Design module, open the Properties panel on the right side.
  1. Select Initial Actions → Process Automation → Navigate To Task from the +ADD ACTION drop-down menu.
  2. Then configure the following fields:

Step Key: This is the field where the Instance ID of the job step is entered.

Open As: Determines how the task screen is opened.


  • Current Page: The task screen is loaded as the content of the current page and the page is changed.
  • New Tab: The task screen opens in a new tab.
  • Drawer: The task screen is displayed as a drawer that opens from the side.
  • Modal: The task screen is displayed as a pop-up window over the current screen.

Execute Page Init Actions: Determines whether initialization actions are automatically executed when the task screen is opened.

With this action, users can access related tasks in the fastest and most convenient way.

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