System Actions
Process Automation Actions

Get Agent

Get Agent

Kuika's Get Agent action is used to check if there is a substitute for a specific user. If a substitute is assigned, the username of this person will be displayed. If there is no substitute assigned, then the parameter will return empty. Get Agent is ideal for ensuring uninterrupted progress in business processes and ensuring that tasks are performed in the absence of a user.

Thanks to this action:

  • Automates authorization and delegation management.
  • Dynamically fetches the person a user designates as a proxy.
  • It ensures that business processes continue uninterrupted.

Get Agent action is supported in web and mobile apps.

Add Get Agent Action

  1. Log in to the Kuika platform.
  2. Open the project you will work on from the Apps screen.
  3. While in the UI Design module, open the Properties panel on the right side.
  1. Select Initial Actions → Process Automation → Get Agent from the+ADD ACTION drop-down menu.
  2. Then configure the following fields:
  • User Name: Used to specify the user name of the delegated person.

When this action is executed:

  • If the specified user has a proxy assigned, the name of the proxy user is returned.
  • If the user has not assigned any proxy, the parameter returns empty.

After completing these steps, the Get Agent action will be successfully added. Thus, the agents authorized by the users can be determined automatically and business processes can be continued uninterruptedly.

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