Creating Scheduled Jobs

Scheduled Job Creation Exercise

In this learning content, we will examine the process of creating a scheduled task in the context of a sample scenario.

In this learning content, we will examine the process of creating a scheduled task in the context of a sample scenario.

Example Scenario:

It is aimed to send the ideas in the I Have an Idea! web application, which we have developed, to the e-mail address of the designated company manager in Excel format at 14:00 every day.

Let's Create a Scheduled Task:

  1. Open the Scheduled Jobs module in I Have an Idea web application.
  2. Create a new Scheduled Job.
  3. Set the time settings in the task you created as follows:
    • Seconds: Select 0 in the Specific second option.
    • Minutes: Select 0 in the Specific minute option.
    • Hours: Set 14 in the specific hour option.
    • Day: Select Every day.
    • Month: Select Every month.
    • Year: Select Any year.
  4. After setting the time settings, let's define a function for our task:
    • In the Properties panel, first pull the list of ideas by adding the SQL action you prepared for Dashboard.
    • Add the Get Excel Base64 action to convert the pulled data to Excel and attach it to the email in Base64 format.
      • In the Value parameter of the Get Excel Base64 action, define the result of the action that retrieved the idea list.
      • Set fixed values for Header and Footer.
    • Add the Send Mail action.
      • Leave the Custom type selected.
      • Add the optional parameters Attachment File Name and Attachment Base64.
      • Under the Receivers parameter, define the address of the administrator to whom the e-mail will be sent.
      • Type the email subject in the Subject parameter.
      • In the Attachment File Name parameter, give a file name with “.xlsx” extension.
      • In the Attachment Base64 parameter, define the value returned as a result of the Get Excel Base64 action.
      • In the Body section, type the email text content.
  5. Click the Update button.

With these steps, your sample scheduled task is ready. You can access the detail menu of the tasks you created from the Scheduled Jobs panel on the left side and inactivate the related task.

By following similar steps, you can create and use scheduled tasks for different scenarios.


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