Work with SQL Action

Bind the SQL Actions you Created to Screens-I

Within the scope of this learning content, I Have an Idea! We will execute the action update process together on the Dashboard screen we developed within the scope of the web application.

In the Builder 1 course, we created an action using the Select Action structure to feed the Gallery View content on the Dashboard screen with dynamic data and performed data binding operations. Now let's bind the action we created for the same screen, which we created with SQL action, which both pulls the idea detail information and allows us to show the number of likes and comments.

Within the scope of this learning content, I Have an Idea! We will execute the action update process together on the Dashboard screen we developed within the scope of the web application.

In the Builder 1 course, we created an action using the Select Action structure to feed the Gallery View content on the Dashboard screen with dynamic data and performed data binding operations. Now let's bind the action we created for the same screen, which we created with SQL action, which both pulls the idea detail information and allows us to show the number of likes and comments.

  1. First, open the Dashboard screen we prepared for I have an idea web application.
  2. With the screen selected, click Add Action in the Properties panel.
  3. Click Initial Action in the menu that opens and add the SQL action we created under the Custom category.
  4. Delete the idea listing action you created earlier in Builder 1 from the screen.
  5. Select the GalleryView element from the Item Tree.
  6. In the Datasource field in the Properties panel of Gallery View, select the last action you added and update it.
  7. Then select the Staff image in the GalleryView to update the data binded to the staff image that created the idea.
  8. Make sure that PersonnelImage is selected under Field to Display in the Value field in the Properties panel.
  9. Do the same for all other elements in the GalleryView one by one.
  10. Select TotalLikes for the number of idea likes.
  11. Do the same for the number of comments by selecting TotalComment.

Now let's create the structure that will increase the number of likes when the Like icon is clicked.

  1. Select the icon that will provide the like process.
  2. Add the Save Record action under ManagedDb via Properties Panel.
  3. Select the IdeaLike table by selecting Insert.
  4. Select all fields.
  5. Select New Guid for Id parameter.
  6. Default>Now for CreatedDate Parameter
  7. For the IdeaId parameter, select IdeaId under the Current category.
  8. For the PersonnelId parameter, define the Id value returned as a result of the action that we run as Initial Action on the screen, which pulls the information of the logged in user.
  9. As the next action, add a SQL action after the Save Record action to update the number of likes, which both pulls the idea detail information and allows you to show the number of likes and comments.

As the next step, we expect you to create the structure that allows the idea to be commented and update the number of comments on the idea.

However, we expect you to perform similar operations for the I Have an Idea! Mobile application as well.


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