Working with Send Mail Action

In the application you developed with Kuika, you can perform configurations and parameter definition operations for the Email template you created using the SendMail action from the system actions.

Email şablon örneği ekran görüntüsü

In an example scenario, let's imagine that a created Email template containing parameters is activated through the application screen.

  SendMail Aksiyonu ekleme ekran görüntüsü

Add SendMail action to a Button element you added to the application screen. Select the Button element to which you want to add an action. Click the ADD ACTION button in the Button Properties on the right. In the menu that opens, select onClick> Notification >SendMail.

When the SendMail action is added, select Mail Type via the drop-down menu under the Mail Type heading in the action.

Mail Type selection

Custom and Template options are available in the drop-down menu titled Mail Type.

Custom Mail Type seçimi ekran görüntüsü

With the Custom option in the drop-down menu titled Mail Type, the mail content can be created in the Body tab under the action without using any template. You can pull the mail content dynamically or statically through the Symbol Picker in the Body tab. The recipient/user Email information is entered via the Receivers tab under the Custom option. The subject of the e-mail to be sent is entered via the Subject tab. You can add sender, cc, bcc, file attachment and image attachment via base64 via optional parameters that can be added, and you can enter the values of the parameters you add.

You can pull the value information of all tabs under the Custom option dynamically or statically using Symbol Picker.

 Template Mail Type seçimi ekran görüntüsü

You can send Email using the Email template you created with the Template option in the drop-down menu titled Mail Type. Firstly, after selecting Template as MailType, select the Email template you want to use via the drop-down menu under the Templates heading. Then, the recipient/user Email information is entered via the Receivers tab. The subject of the Email to be sent is entered via the Subject tab.

Then the parameters you have added in the Email template will be listed. You can enter parameter values using Symbol Picker.

 SystemPicker ve parametre ekran görüntüsü

Let's examine the process of dynamically entering data into the namesurname parameter in the template using the SendMail Action for an Email template we use as an example.

To add value to the namesurname parameter of the SendMail action via Symbol Picker, click Symbol Picker in the namesurname parameter under the SendMail action.

SystemPicker aracılığıyla parametre için kategori seçimi ekran görüntüsü

To add a value to the parameter, select the relevant one from the Symbol Picker categories in the drop-down menu.

SystemPicker aracılığıyla parametre için öğe seçimi ekran görüntüsü)

Select the item that will create the value source for the parameter specific to the category.

Repeat this process for all parameters in the Email template. Apart from the parameters in the Email template, you can add sender, cc, bcc, file attachment and image attachment options via base64 via optional parameters that can be added to the SendMail Action, and you can enter the values of the parameters you add. You can enter the value information of all tabs under the Template option using SymbolPicker.