Using Sorter in Table Element

The “Sorter” property of the Table element allows you to sort the data in the table according to a specific sorting criteria (such as A to Z). This property helps you to display the table in ascending or descending order. Here are the general functions of the Sorter feature:

  • Sort Criteria: You can sort the data in the table in ascending (A to Z) or descending (Z to A) order based on the selected column. This way, you can make your data more organized and accessible.
  • Customization: Sorting operations are usually performed dynamically in the user interface and you can customize the sort order according to your needs.
  • Performance: You can perform sorting operations quickly and efficiently in tables with large data sets.

To use the Sorter feature of the Table element:

  1. After logging into the Kuika platform, open the project you will work on from the “Apps” screen.
  1. In the “UI Design” module, drag and drop the Table element under the “Commonly Used” or “Data” category from the “Elements” panel on the left side.

In order to use the Sorter feature on Table, it is first necessary to bind data to the table.

  1. Open the “Datasource” field from the “Properties” panel on the right side.
  2. Select the action you want to use as a data source from the actions you added as “Initial Action”. After connecting your data source, the table will be automatically populated with data. This data will be used for sorting operations.
  1. Then open the key from the “Sorter” field.
  1. You can sort the String, Number or Date columns from smallest to largest or from largest to smallest by clicking on the sort sign next to the table headers.