Thumbnail Element Properties

This is the panel that opens when you click on the Thumbnail element. Properties panel;

  • Value,
  • Placeholder Image,
  • Image Fit,
  • Position,
  • Class Name,
  • Authorization,
  • Comes withVisibiliy properties.

Value: You can add a static value to the Value field or you can dynamically add a value of a status, Thumbnail element content or an action result via Symbol Picker.

Place holder Image: Placeholder is the image shown when there is no Image value.

Zoom On Click: Zoom On Click allows you to specify whether a larger version of the image is displayed when you click on thumbnails. When you activate the switch, you can switch from a small preview to a full-size image.

Image Fit: The Thumbnail element can have a custom size depending on the value it receives via Styling > Layout. It can also have a size that the Image element has through its parent element. In such cases, you can specify how to fit the image to be displayed into the Image element frame.

Position: This is the field where the position of the image to be displayed in the Thumbnail element is determined from the popup window (bottom, center, right, left, top).