Text Input Element Properties

You can use different settings such as value, placeholder and formatter for the Text Input element according to your needs. You can give role based authorizations to the element and set its visibility with show/hide/conditional options.

Value : You can add a static value to the Value field, or you can dynamically display a value of a status, Input element content or an action result via Symbol Picker.

Placeholder : It is the placeholder text that will be displayed until a value is entered. You can add a static value to the Placeholder field, or you can dynamically display a status, Input element content or a value of an action result via Symbol Picker.

Max Lenght : You can set the length of the value to be displayed or entered in the content.

Allow Clear : When data is entered, a Delete(X) icon can be added to the right border of the element, which allows you to delete the entered values with a single click.

Mask : The Mask property allows the data entered for the Text Input element to be masked in a specific format (for example, date information in "DD/MM/YYYYY").

Formatter : In the application development process, a Formatter is a Property that allows data to be put into a specific format or arrangement. Formatters typically organize data types such as text, numbers, date and time and are used to achieve a specific look or format.

When the TextInput element is selected, Formatter pops up in the Properties panel.

It comes with Lowercase, Uppercase properties in the popup window.

  • Lowercase : Allows the letters in TextInput to be written in lowercase.
  • Uppercase : Allows letters to be written in uppercase in TextInput.

You can set the spelling type of the entered content with options such as Large, Small, sentence type.

Char Only : You can prevent entering numeric values. Thus, only letters will be available for input.

Allowed Chars : You can specify the characters that can be entered and allowed here. Thus, it will not be possible to write any characters other than the characters added in this section.

Auto Complete: This is the list of suggestions that is automatically displayed when providing a text input to the Text Input element. It generates suggestions that match the typed text and displays them as a drop-down list. Suggestions usually consist of words or phrases that match the text you type. (For example, if you are searching for a city name and you type “I”, you may see city names such as “Izmir”, “Istanbul”, etc.).