Value: Represents the text entered by the user or initially assigned.
Placeholder: Specifies an informative text that will appear before the user enters text. It helps users understand what type of information needs to be entered. For example, by adding a placeholder like “Enter your name”, you can guide the user.
Max Length: Limits the maximum number of characters that users can enter in the text field. For example, if you want to set a limit of 30 characters for a username field, you can use this feature.
Allow Clear: Allows a Delete (X) icon to appear on the right edge of the element to allow users to quickly clear their input in the text field.
Mask: Allows the text entered by the user to appear in a specific format (for example, date or phone number). For example, you can encourage users to enter data in the correct format by setting a mask for date entry, such as “##/###/####”.
Formatter In application development, a Formatter is a feature that allows data to be put into a specific format or arrangement. Formatters are typically used to organize data types such as text, numbers, date and time, and are configured to achieve a specific look or format.This pop-up window contains several options that allow users to format their text input:some text
Lowercase: Allows the letters in the Text Input to be written in lowercase.
Uppercase: Allows the letters in the Text Input to be written in uppercase.
Input Mode: Sets the appropriate keyboard layout and opens the keyboard for all all characters, char for characters with letters and symbols, and number for numbers.
Allowed Chars: Defines the specific set of characters that users are allowed to enter. For example, only numbers and certain special characters (e.g. “-”, “(”, “)”) can be used in a phone number field.
Auto Complete: A list of suggestions that is automatically displayed when providing a text input to the Text Input element. It generates suggestions that match the typed text and displays them as a drop-down list. Suggestions usually consist of words or phrases that match the text you type. (For example, if you are searching for a city name and you type “I”, you can see city names such as “Izmir”, “Istanbul”, etc.).