Value: Represents the text entered by the user. You can add a static value or dynamically assign a value. For example, a previously entered text can be displayed in this field while the user is filling out a form. You can also add data from other elements or actions here using Symbol Picker for dynamic values.
Placeholder: This is the placeholder text that appears in the text field before the user enters. It allows you to tell users what type of information needs to be entered. For example, you can add a placeholder like “Type your text here.”
Allow Clear: Allows a Delete (X) icon to appear on the right edge of the element to allow users to quickly delete text they have entered.
Autosize: Allows the height of the Text Area element to be automatically adjusted depending on the length of the text entered by the user.
Max Lenght: Allows you to set the maximum number of characters that users can enter in the text area. It protects data integrity by allowing them to enter text without exceeding the limit you set. For example, you can use this feature if you want to allow only 200 characters in a form.
Show Count: Allows users to view the number of characters they have entered in the text field in real time.
Formatter: Allows the text entered by users to be automatically formatted into a specific format (uppercase, lowercase, etc.).
Read Only: Allows the text field to be read only. Users cannot make any changes to this field and can only view the current value.