Table element is a data repeater element. The elements you add to the columns in the first row of the element will repeat in the following rows depending on the data source. After selecting the data source, you can connect to other elements in the row/column by selecting the fields in the related data table. You can give role-based authorizations to the element and set its visibility with show/hide/conditional options.
- Table Header: It is the area where the headers are edited and defined to organize the Table element.
- Column titles: Represents the column titles in the Table element.
- Datasource: It is the area where you select the data source from which the elements in the Table will be fed.
- Show Header: Table header section is visible by default. You can hide it if you wish.
- Hide On Mobile Resolution: It is a feature used to hide or change on mobile devices.
- Fixed Header: Keeps the header section of the table fixed so that the headers remain visible when the page is scrolled.
- Editable: Determines whether the cells in the table are editable or not, so that the table data can be edited directly.
- Table Width Mode: Sets the width mode of the table.
- Global Search: Allows you to perform a keyword search on all data within the table. In large and complex data sets, it makes it easier to find specific information.
- Searchable: When you activate the Searchable feature, an input element is added to the top right of the Table element, allowing you to search within the table.
- Sorter: You can sort the string, number or date columns in descending order or ascending order.
- Filtering: In the Table element, it offers different filtering options according to the data type of the columns (String, Number or Date). For example, when one of the options such as contains, equals, begins with is selected for String columns, a column-based filter can be applied according to this option. The options are specific to the column type. Filtering is active after three letters and the search is automatically refreshed each time a letter is entered, thus providing a more dynamic and faster filtering.
The filtering options are specific to the column's data type and only work on tables with a data connection.
- Pagination: You can add pagination when listing data in the data table defined in the Table element.
- Page Size: Determines the number of rows to be displayed on each page.
- Show Size Changer: Allows you to change the page size.
- Size Changer Options: Determines the options to change the page size. (For example, the number of rows can be 10, 20, 50, etc.)
- Column Chooser: Determines which columns will be displayed on the table.
- Resizable Columns: Determines whether the columns in the table are resizable or not.
- Hide Table On Empty: You can hide the table when the data table connected to the Table element is empty.
- Striped: Allows the rows in the table to be shown striped with alternate background colors.
- Striped Color: Determines the background color of the striped rows.
- Row Hover Background Color: You can make the row background color change when hovering over the row.
- Insert Row Active: Determines whether the new row insertion process is active or not.
- Insert Row Position: Determines the position (top or bottom) of the newly inserted row.
- Show No Data Found: Shows the “No Data Found” message when there is no data in the table.
- No Data Found Message: You can add a placeholder message to preview and display at runtime when no dynamic data is bound to the Table element in the query.
- No Data Found Image: You can add a placeholder image to preview and display at runtime in cases where no dynamic data is connected to the Table element in Kuika.
- Multi Select: Allows you to select multiple rows in the table. You can edit, delete or apply other operations to rows collectively.
- Selected Values: Stores the values of the selected rows in the table.
- Selected Row Color: Determines the background color of the selected rows.