Tab element properties

When the Tab element is selected, the Tab, Type, Tab Position , Selected Tab Color, Authorization and Visibility parameters are displayed in the Properties panel. These parameter fields allow you to edit, custom authorization settings and visibility preferences for the Tab element.

You can give role-based authorizations to the element and set its visibility with show/hide/conditional options.

Tab: You can add new tabs and remove existing ones. The tab contents you remove will be deleted along with the tab. You can also change the order.

Type: You can use predefined view types for tab titles.

Tab Position: You can specify on which edge of the Tab element frame the tabs will be placed. You can choose from top / right / bottom / left.

Selected Tab Color: Edit the font and line colors of the selected tab.

Label: This is the section where you add the text you want to be in the title of the selected tab. With the Tab element selected, select the tab you want to change the title of from the Properties panel and change its text.

Placeholder: On form screens, you can use placeholder texts that are shown in a blank field when no information has been entered yet.