Symbol Picker Categories

1. Symbol Picker Categories

Symbol Picker has an important position in the application development process with Kuika.

Symbol Picker ekran görüntüsü
Symbol Picker

In an application developed with Kuika, you may encounter various categories when using Symbol Picker.

Symbol Picker kategorileri ekran görüntüsü
Symbol Picker categories

These categories are presented by Kuika as Default, Fixed Value, Components (Listed if there is an Element on the screen), Action Results (Listed if there is an Action on the screen) and Screen Inputs (Listed if there is a Screen Input on the screen).

Default Category:

The data offered by Kuika that you can use by default is under the Default category. The data in the Default category are Empty, Space, New Guid, Empty Guid, Current Username, Version Info and null.

Symbol Picker  Default kategorisi ekran görüntüsü
Symbol Picker Default category

Empty: Empty allows the value to be given as empty. Empty is a string of zero length and zero characters. It is of type String.

Space: Space is used to give the value as a null character of string type.

Null: Null indicates that there is no value for a particular element or action. Null indicates the absence of an object.

Empty, Space and Null values are confused with each other in terms of their properties.

To avoid this confusion, let's examine the phone numbers in the participant list of an online seminar on a SQL table as an example.

Let's imagine that there is an application form to attend an online seminar. On this form, participants add their name, surname and telephone numbers. Considering the situation of not wanting to add the phone number in the process of adding phone number information, the phone number information entry option can be hidden in the application form with the I Do Not Want to Add My Phone Number button. Thus, phone information cannot be obtained from the user.

In our case study scenario, Empty, Null and Space apply to the online seminar respectively.

Empty, enters the name and surname information and completes the application by leaving the phone number field blank.

Null, enters the name and surname information and completes the application by clicking the I do not want to add my phone number button.

Space, enters the name and surname information and completes the application by adding the space character to the phone number field by pressing the space key.

The values corresponding to the phone number information of these three people are given in the SQL table below.

Empty, Null ve Space Karşılaştırması SQL ekran görüntüsü
Empty, Null and Space Comparison

New Guid: Guid stands for Global Unique Identifier. New Guid allows you to create a new unique identifier in the project you are developing. Specific to the database, the New Guid structure is used to create a random Id for the value of the field used as ID in the database.

A newly created New Guid structure has the format bec3d0e5-a911-400d-b86c-b2ed4c223a7e and is unique.

Empty Guid: Empty Guid is used to assign a value of guid type 00000000-0000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 as the value.

Current Username: Current Username retrieves the username data/information of the currently active user.

Version Info: Version Info retrieves the version data/information of the developed application.

Fixed Value Category:

In an application developed with Kuika, you can use a fixed value via Symbol Picker.

Symbol Picker Fixed Value kategorisi ekran görüntüsü
Symbol Picker Fixed Value categorisation

Fixed Value allows you to enter a fixed value. For example, you can use Fixed Value to name a Label element as Homepage in a fixed way.

Components Categories:

During the application development process with Kuika, you can use the information from the elements you use through Symbol Picker as values.

Symbol Picker Component kategorisi ekran görüntüsü
Symbol Picker Component categorisation

In order for the Components category to be listed in Symbol Picker, at least one element from Input, Date and Special Element categories must be added on the application screen you developed. You can specify the value with the Value item and the format with the mask item in the drop-down list under the Element category.

Action Results:

With Kuika, you can use the information returned as a value as a result of the actions you add through Symbol Picker during the application development process.

Symbol Picker Action Results kategorisi ekran görüntüsü
Symbol Picker Action Results categorisation

In order for the Action Results category to be listed in Symbol Picker, at least one action must be added on the application screen you developed.

Screen Inputs:

During the application development process with Kuika, you can use the Screen Inputs information you add through Symbol Picker as a value.

Symbol Picker Screen Inputs kategorisi ekran görüntüsü
Symbol Picker Screen Inputs categorisation

In order for the Screen Inputs category to be listed in Symbol Picker, Screen Input must be added on the application screen you developed.