Symbol Picker Categories

Symbol Picker in Kuika is offered in the following categories:

  • Default
  • Fixed Value
  • Components
  • Action Results
  • Screen Inputs
  • Method Input
  • Role List
  • Report Input
  • Current

Default Category

Contains the data types provided by Kuika by default.

Example Values:

  • Empty: Ensures that the value is empty (of type String).
  • Space: Provides a space character.
  • Null: Indicates that there is no value for an element or action.
  • Current Username: Shows the name of the currently active user.
  • Version Info: Shows the version information of the application.
  • Client IP Address: Shows the IP address of the user.

At least one element must be added to the application screen for the Default category to appear.

Fixed Value Category

Represents fixed and unchanging values.

Example: Displaying the text “Home” in the Label element.

At least one element must be added to the application screen for the Fixed Value category to appear.

Components Category

Represents elements in the user interface.

Example: Retrieve data from elements of type Input, Date or Special Element.

At least one element must be added to the application screen for the Components category to appear.

Action Results Category

Contains data returned by actions.

Example: Retrieving user information returned after the user has logged into the system.

Screen Inputs Category

Contains user inputs from forms or screen elements.

At least one Screen Input must be added to the screen for the Screen Inputs category to appear.

Method Input Category

Contains the input parameters of the methods.

Example: A method takes the user ID value.

At least one Method Input must be defined for the Method Input category to appear.

Role List Category

Contains user roles defined in the application.

Example: Admin, Editor, Viewer, etc.

At least one user role must be defined for the Role List category to appear.

Report Input Category

Contains input data to be used in reports.

At least one Report Input must be added in the Report Designer module for the Report Input category to appear.

Current Category

Contains elements from the Data category that are linked to a data source.

There must be at least one Data connection for the Current category to appear.