Slider Element Properties

You can add text inside the slider element. You can give role based authorizations to the element and set its visibility with show/hide/conditional options.

Value : You can add a static value to the Value field, or you can dynamically display a value of a status, Input element content or an action result via Symbol Picker.

Max : Determines the maximum value that can be selected on the slider. For example, in a volume control slider, the max value can be set to 100. In this case, the slider can take values between 0 and 100.

Min : Sets the minimum value that can be selected on the slider. For example, in a price range slider, min can be set to 0. In this case, the slider can take a value between 0 and the max value you set.

Step : Determines how many times you will change the value on the slider. For example, if you set the step value to 5 in a quantity control slider, the slider will only allow you to select values such as 5, 10, 15.

Vertical : The element is added in a horizontal structure by default. You can also have it displayed vertically.

Slider Color : You can set the slider color.

Handle Color : You can set the color of the circular handle on the slider.

Tooltip Visible : You can make sure that the validated value is shown above the slider handle.

Rail Color: Rail is the line along which the slider moves and which range the slider is in. The Rail Color property allows you to set the rail color of the Slider element. You can customize it to improve the aesthetic appearance and usability of the slider. (For example, if you set the rail color to red, the line in the slider's background will appear red.)